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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 30th, 2023


  • I don’t entirely agree with you because what you are saying is basically stop here. Here sucks. Hard. The window shifted. We need to shift left a bit imo. That includes taxing rich more and spending it in house not abroad. Military doesn’t count. They don’t need the extra money. And yes, authoritarian tendencies are bad. They are just made worst by a strong loyal military. How long before they remove the clause about not following orders that are illegal?

  • That is was what they claimed, you are right. However that felt more like a boilerplate response meant to avoid a payout. Again, she asked for clarity on what that meant but never got a real response. I’m sure even now she didn’t get an answer. She was an account executive at the end of the year, not a greeter at Walmart. She was not on a PIP and was exceeding her KPIs, according to the video. Even her boss was shocked. If they had real data to prove their point, they would have brought it up then and there. Instead she got crickets. The whole thing reminds of the King of the Hill episode where Dale gets hired to fire people.

  • Last in first out, wasn’t that what was claimed in the actual video. Didn’t she bring up being there for only a month? And even then, that was time worked during the holidays. So the person just finished onboarding and was let go immediately after. Sounds like her specific case follows what they do in Sweden. In the video she asked again and again what she did and was met with a wall of we will talk about it later. I’m on her side wholeheartedly but let’s not try to normalize this behavior with laws. A new job should be a time for celebration and excitement.

  • He’s right you know. He’s just not saying it’s the Republicans who are benefitting.

    Supreme Court nominations, Republicans benefit. Voter suppression/intimidation, Republicans benefit.
    Recounting elections (Gore vs Bush), Republicans benefit.
    Tossing votes before they get counted, Republicans benefit.

    Articles like this just prove that this country isn’t really paying attention anymore. Everybody has mentally checked out. And I don’t blame them, this is exhausting. But it’s all to the Republicans benefit.