• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I am still figuring it out since it is my hobby and I’m unable to devote much time to it. But I think it will be something like Ubuntu live disks which enabled you to try Ubuntu by running it from a DVD. You could run anything like web server, save files, settings etc. Only they would not persist after a reboot since every thing was saved in RAM. Only here it’ll be a write locked SD card instead of a DVD.

    I’m also sure there must be a name for it and step by step tutorial somewhere. If only Google was not so bad these days…

  • It might not be applicable to you but in many cases single board computers are used where there is minimal changes in files in day to day basis. For example when used for displaying stuff. For such cases, it is useful to know that after installing all the required stuff, the SD card can be turned into read only mode. This prolongs its life exponentially. Temporary files can still be generated in the RAM and if needed, you can push them to an external storage/FTP through a cron job or something. I have built a digital display with weather/photos/news where beyond the initial install, everything is pulled from the internet. I’m working towards implementing what I’ve suggested above.

  • It’s been many years since I read it but the ‘explanation’ in Lee Smolin’s ‘The Life of the Cosmos’ sounds the most convincing to me.

    I’m the book, as far as I understood it, he suggests that theory of evolution applies on the biggest scales too. New universes form when a black hole collapses. Our Universe is just one of the universes that all have slightly changed values of the universal constants, like the way evolution works. There are many universal or physical constants in science, some of the most widely recognized being the speed of light in vacuum c, the gravitational constant G, the Planck constant h, the electric constant ε0, and the elementary charge e.

    There is a very narrow range of these constants where ‘normal stuff’ of the universe like formation of matter can happen and heat death of the universe can be avoided. We just happen to be in the right universe with the perfectly balanced constants, in the right corner of it, at optimal distance to an optimally sized star, tilted at an optimal angle, with a moon at the right distance to help evolve life capable of developing a fediverse where we can mull this over.

    Evolution, nothing special about it.

  • No, I got that but like I said, it is just a force of habit for me to use private window during my web use. I need to use internet on multiple systems as part of my work and it’s just become natural for me to open a private session to search and do stuff and not to leave any login sessions open by mistake.

    But I reading the replies makes me realise that it must be android’s aggressive battery saving tricks that kills Firefox active private sessions. But it is sad that I’m noticing this only for Firefox while Brave browser is exempt. Maybe because it is chromium based.