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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • In case you are unaware, “poop knife” was a reddit r/confession post from a few years back that went viral, where someone admitted their family has a knife kept in the house specifically for when big ‘movements’ wouldn’t flush, and he had just discovered that wasn’t a normal thing everyone just has at home when he needed flush assistance at a friends house.

    1. You can start applications from windows command line. Depending on the program you might need to provide the full path to the executable though. Eg: Start chrome.exe
    2. Windows has a (preinstalled in Window 11, optional in Windows 10) software called WinGet that will update all recognized applications via command line. Covers stuff from Windows Store, and most popular software installers. Basically acts as a Windows package manager.
    3. batch files, software like autohotkey… automation can definitely be done in Windows too.
    4. You mean shortcuts?
    5. Pretty certain you can defer updates until the time suits, but Windows is definitely more forceful in pushing updates than Linux. There are ways of turning off updates too, but probably not without third party software or digging in regedit blindly.
    6. Rainmeter could provide something similar.
    7. Do you mean Command Prompt, or Windows Terminal? Terminal is actually pretty nice, and very customizable, both in terms of theme and functionality.

    I run Arch Linux (btw) and have a very neglected Windows 11 partition.

    I have a command set up in linux using ddcutil that allows me to tell my second monitor to swap source from HDMI (Chromecast) to DisplayPort (PC) and back as desired. No clue how I’d do that in Windows.

  • The flatpak thing is a known issue, where it doesn’t correctly remove the 32bit package on update.

    This bash script should find the latest and remove the rest:

    # Filename: flatpak-clean-nvidia.sh
    # List latest 64bit Nvidia flatpak (it doesn't leave cruft behind) and note the version
    FLATPAK_LATEST_NVIDIA=$(flatpak list | grep "GL.nvidia" | cut -f2 | cut -d '.' -f5)
    # List all installed 32bit Nvidia flatpaks, ignore latest version, uninstall rest of list
    flatpak list | grep org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia- | cut -f2 | grep -v "$FLATPAK_LATEST_NVIDIA" | xargs -o flatpak uninstall