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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • It’s fair to call it stalinism / maoism etc. And I also dislike associating Marx that closely with them. The Marx parts of Marxism are pretty tough to have issue with. Engles, Lenin, Stalin, Mao etc are where a lot of the backward reductive and damaging stuff comes from. But it’s about hitting them where they live. And these days they identify as ML.

    And yeah I agree. Despite making wildly flawed ideology I absolutely believe Engels and Lenin had good intentions. And despite all of them, including Stalin. Russia absolutely had successes. I can’t say it was enough to out weigh the failures. Similar things can be said about China too. Though xi jinping will mark the end of all that.

    The last bit, I don’t think I can go in for. If it was capitalists calling them ML and them calling themselves something else then perhaps. But it’s what they largely self identify as. The thing to remember however, is that it’s the ideas that are important. Not necessarily the names. Would Marx want to be associated with future systems based on his concepts? Sure. Would he not want it implemented without his name. That I doubt.

  • Those are just nihilist. Actual anarchist generally aren’t the fuck shit up kind. Those are generally angsty young teens with very little understanding.

    You are however 100% right about lemmy.ml. hexbear and Lemmygrad. They are all Marxist leninist. Which was an ill-conceived transitory authoritarian style anti communist government that was supposed to facilitate the build up to and transition to communism. But not communist itself. Which has failed everywhere it’s ever been tried. Much like capitalism if you go by it’s stated goals and ideals.

    They love to blather on and on and on about communism and how great and wonderful it would be. And it would be. But everything they do is actually in opposition to it so they are very much fake/ performatory communists.

  • Because it’s a misrepresentation of people defending Biden and leftist in general.

    Just because someone defends Biden doesn’t mean they support him. There’s a lot of hyperbolic invective being directed at him. And he definitely has himself to blame for some of it. Expediting CONGRESS’S shipment of arms to Israel. And trying to stay as neutral and diplomatic as possible in the face of the horrors Israel is unleashing.

    It seems suspicious how narrow the focus is on him however. With literally no one pestering their Congress critters who could actually do something about all of this. Sure we should pressure Biden to lead better. But if people actually wanted to get things done and not just virtue signal, they’d be yelling at Congress more.

    And finally leftist != accelerationist. Some, like ML know their ideology isn’t an actual improvement over capitalism. That the only way they could convince people to switch to their ideology is to destroy and degrade things much like capitalists do to other countries. But plenty of us lefties think both of them are wrong and pragmatically try to work to make things better.

  • Only those seeking enlightenment or open to it will find it anywhere. The internet has done more to pierce echo chambers. Than any other invention of the last 200 years.

    The problem is. It was dropped onto a largely unprepared populous. That was born into propaganda, misinformation, and confirmation bias. Without the skills to move beyond it by design. They vault over the enlightenment at their feet. Working hard digging through mountains of shit to find things to confirm their biases.

  • Anarchism, The actual anarchism. Has nothing to do with laissez-faire. Anarcho-capitalists are oxymorons. Always figuratively, and often even literally. They’re capitalist, not anarchists. They just believe that their capital should give them them power over you. But not vice versa.

    Anarchists and actual libertarians are not against governance. They just think it should be as flat and local as possible. That it shouldn’t be large hierarchical monolithic structures that people have a hard time understanding or lobbying. Structures that also have a hard time understanding individuals and serving them.

  • That is a rational analysis of irrational behavior. Which is to say incorrect. None of them did what they did for fame or infamy. Nor would any of them really be able to achieve it because they are a dime a dozen in our violent ignorant culture. Go ask anyone on the street about this. And ask them to tell you when this shooting occurred. Without letting them look it up through Google etc. They won’t be able to tell you whether it was the shooting last week, the week before the week before that the week before that the week before that the week before that the week before that the week before that the week before that the week before that the week before that, or perhaps the week before that.

    There’s plenty of out things to criticize the media for. Factual information really isn’t one of them. Criticize them for a fact that they turn everything into a close horse race for ratings. Or that they give fascist unlimited free airtime.

  • Groups don’t stop having different average IQs simply because they are defined as racial or ethnic,

    But race and ethnicity themselves are not determinative.

    intelligence is 85% heritable after all.

    Citation needed. Most citations I could find said genetics may account or anywhere from 30 to 50% of a person’s intelligence. But they have no idea what genes would possibly be contributing to that and how. So basically it’s a hypothesis with zero proof. Either you are operating on junk science or straight up eugenicist.

    While it is true that random groups of people may have different average IQs. It has more to do with what they eat, how often they eat and their exposure to different ideas than it does their genetics, etc. Even then, IQ is not actually a useful measure of intelligence.