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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Discs are harder to ruin than they’re made out to be. My best example is a physical copy of grand theft auto san Andreas for the original Xbox. I got a free old copy that was considered useless, because it wouldn’t read, the shiny side of the disc was scratched pretty deeply. I took it to the game store and told them “I know this probably won’t work, but humor me, run this through the resurfacer please”, which cost me $2. They have a $30,000 machine which actually grinds an even surface on the shiny side, adding a new layer of plastic they said, but it did in fact work first try. I still use that disc to play the game with no issues whatsoever. If anything, it’s the least glitchy copy of GTA I own physically.

  • I agree with you. It’s a catch 22 it though. When you live in a state run by shit birds, they cut off the fed from helping you in every way they can, meanwhile holding their little town hall events and talking to press saying stuff like: ‘the fed doesn’t care about American citizens, they’re too busy sending aid to [x country] to fix their problems’ and with the very same breath saying how cool it is that they conned the left into giving their state the most funding this year, but the media doesn’t hold them accountable anymore and further push the issue “for fear of losing access” to them. The big secret, and the key to the issue in my opinion, is that the media is bought by billionaires who are no longer accountable to reality when reporting the news, the regulatory bodies in this country have been eroded to shit by capitalists, the now obligatory talking point: Citizens United, and that nobody is going to swoop in to save this awful mess from imploding into fascism any time soon. You all need to take personal safety measures; arm yourselves, and train with your weapons in whatever way you can safely afford. These fuckers are coming for us all, and they’ll have the full support of a dictatorship soon enough, if we aren’t able to get out the vote. UNITE!

  • You ever heard of ‘time and place?’ Like when you’re on line at an ice cream shop; it’s not the time, nor the place to whip out your genitals and take a fat, farty shit on the floor… On account of you’d look like a crazy ass hole. If somebody then called you out, and you proceeded to smear the shit all over your face, you’d look like an even bigger, crazier ass hole. Get it? Your above comments are kinda like the verbal equivalent to smearing your own farty shit all over at the wrong time and place. Nobody cares if you do those things, but maybe do them amongst other farty shit boys in your own venue, so you don’t stink up the place, 'ya know what I mean?