gaslight, obstruct, project. it must always be the evil god hating democrats or the gays or the migrants at fault. the pattern is always there
gaslight, obstruct, project. it must always be the evil god hating democrats or the gays or the migrants at fault. the pattern is always there
I think you may have misread the article. The shootings took place October of last year. According to the article the interviewee had been friends with the shooter for 17 years / since around 2006
I am so glad I traveled home last weekend
Poor puppies. I hope they do end up feeling better. While respectful of your privacy, your general state or area would be?
He wrote a fantasticly absurd book “Shroud of the Thwacker”. I highly recommend finding a copy
I heard some nut job State representative interviewed by NPR Who said that statute only meant that government couldn’t interfere in religion. It was his opinion that the statute said absolutely nothing about keeping religion out of government.
Is pihole alone enough to do the reverse proxy, or do you need caddy as well? I’m only somewhat familiar with how these things work
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