Evilsandwichman [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2021


  • Dungeon keeper but with immortal redneck play as a complementary aspect; there are DK clones where you can possess monsters, but they lack what immortal redneck has to offer gameplay-wise.

    Also a game similar to void bastards but with multiplayer, more monsters, less crafting and more guns, and better/more varied environments, and no time limits. Also immortal redneck with multiplayer. Also ziggurat with multiplayer. Also hands of fate with multiplayer.

    Actually forget game, I wish there was a program that could force any game to be multiplayer; or a dev team you could hire that would do that.

  • Weeeeeeell…I like the Irish and I think they’ve been awesome all around (the IRA and their support for Palestine), but even by their mythology they apparently did colonize their lands ages ago; something about defeating the Tuatha De Danann who themselves defeated the Fir Bolg and the Fomorians. The De Danann, Fir Bolg and Fomorians are depicted as inhuman beings but I personally think these were peoples who lived in extremely ancient Ireland who were defeated by the ancestors of modern day Irish people, but then, this would have been quite a few thousand years ago anyway and holding it against them would be silly (basically it was so long ago that it’s not even concrete whether this myth has any basis in reality and certainly no trace of those peoples, their culture and their civilizations still exist; also even if you decide to believe the myth has some basis in reality behind it, Irish culture has not been a culture of colonizers for the last several thousand years).

  • there’s entire chapters that just go “x is the son of y is the son of z is the son of a who’s the son of b and the son of c”.

    I can’t speak to how relevant this is to history in most parts of the world, but interestingly in places like ancient Ireland, genealogy was an important part of identity. Among the questions a stranger would be asked would be who his father is, what his clan is and what his profession is. Obviously today we value different aspects of identity, but historically at least in some places (and at the point I’m mentioning in history, Ireland was Christian) bloodline was part of how people knew you; it’s a fascinating look into historical mindsets.

  • I’d love to say it would be a PR disaster for American news, but realistically people have become too invested in the American Cinematic Universe to be swayed by what visitors have to say.

    The lib I work with believes all the nonsense about North Korea and I’ve tried explaining to him that North Korea literally has non-North Korean tour guides who absolutely allow you to go where you want but usually prefer if you don’t because no one would be able to communicate with you if you got lost, and your vacation would be wasted if you had no idea where to go, but he believes that it’s all just a show, as though any country on the planet actually puts in that kind of effort to convince foreigners. Every time I tell him there are literally people who’ve posted positive news in regards to being there, or about a non-North Korean who works there, he still wants to believe what the news says or whatever negative claims are being made about it, and so he challenged me to go to North Korea on vacation and ‘find out the truth for both of us’ (he already believes I’ll come back with horror stories), and so I challenged him and asked “If I go there and find out that it’s all nonsense, that the country is fine and peaceful, would you believe me?”. I personally hate traveling, and going on vacation anywhere is a chore I loathe, and so surely if I go to such effort then he’ll believe me, right? His response was a reluctant “I’ll be more likely to believe it”

    This guy doesn’t want to believe he’s been lied to about North Korea; literally no amount of evidence will sway him; it’s almost like this is some kind of investment for him (I say him, but this applies to libs in general).

  • Hey I too know a lib I can’t get through to; this guy however doesn’t know nearly enough about history to try and sound informed; he instead spouts whatever comes to mind, for example: when I told him about what had been going on in Donbas until the war, and that Ukraine wanted the land but not the people, he argued for ethnic cleansing in the form of forcing all the Russians there to leave, and it was enough that the Ukrainian government wanted them gone for him to say that. When I brought up that the US is causing major issues with Taiwan, his response was “Do you believe that China does bad things?”, and then wanted to start talking about the Uyghurs even though…it has literally no relation to the situation with Taiwan. He pretends that countries not being democracies is the reason he supports the US intervening or invading many nations, and when I point out that Ukraine has shut down many left wing parties, he then pivots and says Putin does it too with a face as though he’s said something really clever.

    I’ve spent hours trying to educate him about what’s going on in many countries the US intervenes in but the truth is this guy just inherently supports US empire.

    Your friend may be different, but I suspect he’s using what little historical info he has to try and lend legitimacy to his claims but the truth is he already knows who he supports (just not why).