Basically a deer with a human face. Despite probably being some sort of magical nature spirit, his interests are primarily in technology and politics and science fiction.

Spent many years on Reddit and then some time on

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024

  • Even if you trained the AI yourself from scratch you still can’t be confident you know what the AI is going to say under any given circumstance. LLMs have an inherent unpredictability to them. That’s part of their purpose, they’re not databases or search engines.

    if I were to download a pre-trained model from what I thought was a reputable source, but was man-in-the middled and provided with a maliciously trained model

    This is a risk for anything you download off the Internet, even source code could be MITMed to give you something with malicious stuff embedded in it. And no, I don’t believe you’d read and comprehend every line of it before you compile and run it. You need to verify checksums

    As I said above, the real security comes from the code that’s running the LLM model. If someone wanted to “listen in” on what you say to the AI, they’d need to compromise that code to have it send your inputs to them. The model itself can’t do that. If someone wanted to have the model delete data or mess with your machine, it would be the execution framework of the model that’s doing that, not the model itself. And so forth.

    You can probably come up with edge cases that are more difficult to secure, such as a troubleshooting AI whose literal purpose is messing with your system’s settings and whatnot, but that’s why I said “99% of the way there” in my original comment. There’s always edge cases.

  • That would be part of what’s required for them to be “open-weight”.

    A plain old binary LLM model is somewhat equivalent to compiled object code, so redistributability is the main thing you can “open” about it compared to a “closed” model.

    An LLM model is more malleable than compiled object code, though, as I described above there’s various ways you can mutate an LLM model without needing its “source code.” So it’s not exactly equivalent to compiled object code.

  • Fortunately, LLMs don’t really need to be fully open source to get almost all of the benefits of open source. From a safety and security perspective it’s fine because the model weights don’t really do anything; all of the actual work is done by the framework code that’s running them, and if you can trust that due to it being open source you’re 99% of the way there. The LLM model just sits there transforming the input text into the output text.

    From a customization standpoint it’s a little worse, but we’re coming up with a lot of neat tricks for retraining and fine-tuning model weights in powerful ways. The most recent bit development I’ve heard of is abliteration, a technique that lets you isolate a particular “feature” of an LLM and either enhance it or remove it. The first big use of it is to modify various “censored” LLMs to remove their ability to refuse to comply with instructions, so that all those “safe” and “responsible” AIs like Goody-2 can turned into something that’s actually useful. A more fun example is MopeyMule, a LLaMA3 model that has had all of his hope and joy abliterated.

    So I’m willing to accept open-weight models as being “nearly as good” as a full-blown open source model. I’d like to see full-blown open source models develop more, sure, but I’m not terribly concerned about having to rely on an open-weight model to make an AI system work for the immediate term.

  • Even with that, being absolutist about this sort of thing is wrong. People undergoing surgery have spent time on heart/lung machines that breathe for them. People sometimes fast for good reasons, or get IV fluids or nutrients provided to them. You don’t see protestors outside of hospitals decrying how humans aren’t meant to be kept alive with such things, though, at least not in most cases (as always there are exceptions, the Terri Schiavo case for example).

    If I want to create an AI substitute for myself it is not anyone’s right to tell me I can’t because they don’t think I was meant to do that.

  • It is true AI, it’s just not AGI. Artificial General Intelligence is the sort of thing you see on Star Trek. AI is a much broader term and it encompasses large language models, as well as even simpler things like pathfinding algorithms or OCR. The term “AI” has been in use for this kind of thing since 1956, it’s not some sudden new marketing buzzword that’s being misapplied. Indeed, it’s the people who are insisting that LLMs are not AI that are attempting to redefine a word that’s already been in use for a very long time.

    You can see this when chat bots keep giving the same 2 pieces incorrect information. They have no concept of they are wrong.

    Reminds me of the classic quote from Charles Babbage:

    “On two occasions I have been asked, – “Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?” … I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question”

    How is the chatbot supposed to know that the information it’s been given is wrong?

    If you were talking with a human and they thought something was true that wasn’t actually true, do you not count them as an intelligence any more?