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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • Are you defending authoritarian policies of historical socialism alot?

    Nope, but I do point out that most socialist countries fail due to direct US intervention, which is true but inconvenient to their narrative that socialism is a failure.

    I have also been called a communist, but this wasn’t meant as an insult but a description

    Are you familiar with the American concept of the “Bible Belt?” It’s essentially just the American Southeast, Texas out to the East Coast, up to mid-Virginia or so. (The confederate states, basically.) This section of the country continues to be hyper religious and hyper conservative. What I’m getting at is that in this neck of the woods, socialist and communist are used almost exclusively as slurs lol, for anybody who doesn’t have an almost comical conservative stance.

  • On the various posts in this current flood of “Communists should leave the communist instance for my own comfort” nonsense, even the anti-.ml crowd can’t provide good examples of how anyone who looks at them funny gets banned. Nobody has modlog receipts and almost every example THEY provide of communists oppressing them or whatever is THEM saying dumb nothings like “I can’t hear you over Tienanmen Square” or cussing up a storm while the .ml person is like “Here’s a book about XYZ”

    I’m sure people have been perhaps hastily moderated on .ml, but probably not any more than any other instance, and if so they aren’t the ones rallying to de-ML .ml.

  • I don’t know if you linked the wrong post or what cause I see one person making lengthy arguments and offering sources while the other makes dinky diversions. Not a great argument on your behalf.

    You are mocking peoples honest experiences of this instance

    Am I? Because if you’re (or whoever is) here arguing about being banned from .ml, you’re notably not banned from .ml, and if im reading sombodys “This comment will be removed” comment, it by definition hasnt been removed. 🤷

  • I never see this “Lenin is my daddy cull the herd uWu” nonsense y’all can’t stfu about, but I sure can’t escape the sea of “I dIsAgReE, sEe YoU oN tEh BaN lIsT!”

    Which quite frankly I think SHOULD net a ban, this disingenuous “oh sure you can talk about redistributing wealth but I mention murder being bad AND IM BANNED DURR” bullshit is tiring.

  • You’ll be fine! Linux isn’t all that and a bag of chips anymore as long as you’re open to an occasional internet search.

    I recognize that Linux isn’t perfect, but people who say it isn’t “ready for users” are people who want to have their cake and eat it too - Want the multi billion dollar polish of windows but with the respectfulness of FOSS (Free Open Source Software.)

    Of course, its possible to strip windows of most of its nonsense but again most users would rather die than do a simple search. 🤷

  • I agree. I feel like its a personality thing (honestly I feel like its a neurotypical thing, I’m not autistic or anything but definitely divergent) and/or a capitalism thing.

    I don’t like cars, but I learned enough about how cars work to be able to take a functional role in my cars maintenance. Most people don’t do that, whether its a car or computer or whatever else in their life.