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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Openstack is like self-hosting your own cloud provider. My 2 cents is that it’s probably way overkill for personal use. You’d probably be interested in it if you had a lot of physical servers you wanted to present as a single pooled resource for utilization.

    How does one install it?

    From what I heard from a former coworker - with great difficulty.

    What is the difference between a hypervisor/openstack/a container service (podman,docker)?

    A hypervisor runs virtual machines. A container service runs containers which are like virtual machines that share the host’s kernel (more to it than that but that’s the simplest explanation). Openstack is a large ecosystem of pieces of software that runs the aforementioned components and coordinates it between a horizontally scaling number of physical servers. Here’s a chart showing all the potential components: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/Openstack-map-v20221001.jpg

    If you’re asking what the difference between a container service and a hypervisor are then I’d really recommend against pursuing this until you get more experience.

  • My two cents is I’d say you’re a ‘manager’ if you have the power to hire people, fire them, discipline them, and determine their pay and working conditions.

    Generally a “team lead” is just a more senior individual contributor that can help guide other individual contributors. Management may listen more heavily to their opinions on the matters above but they don’t have any direct control over it past advisory. Sometimes they may perform some light managerial functions like work allocations but they have no direct power to back that up.

  • Only Internet facing devices would see this kind of traffic 10mb/day/per public IP address is still nothing unless you otherwise have essentially zero traffic. Typically only firewalls would have external IPs of the devices you mentioned and they wouldn’t have SSH bound to an external port

    If you’re going to have lots of hosts running SSH you should setup a bastion/jump host for it anyways.