Raspberry pi4 Docker:- gluetun(qBit, prowlarr, flaresolverr), tailscale(jellyfin, jellyseerr, mealie), rad/read/sonarr, pi-hole, unbound, portainer, watchtower.

Raspberry pi3 Docker:- pi-hole, unbound, portainer.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Favourite game - 1, it was the first one I played and the one I’m most familiar with.

    Least is 3, it was the first game I encountered with day 1 dlc, so didn’t get any. Last ME game I bought too, Jokes on me I guess because I got the remaster instead.

    I enjoyed KOTOR/II before it and I was hoping for more of the same, more HK-47 really. No HK but the play is familiar: go to a planet do some quests, X person wants to talk and on to the next.

    Femshep is the only shep for me.

  • Thanks. I already have Log2Ram running to prolong the life of the SD. My planned disaster relief is a spare SD, already set up and taped to the box ready to swap and reboot in case of emergency. SD cards are cheap so chucking <£10 at the setup once in a while is no big thing. A fresh install on the new SD allows me to improve on what I’ve already done, for example the new SD I’ll run DietOS instead of Raspbian, and reinforce skills. Less time efficient but that’s no matter when the box is working and it’s a hobby. I can then keep the old SD card taped inside the case as a physical back up. Perhaps more expensive in the long run, but an SD card taped to the inside of the case with simple instructions is an easy sell to the fiancée.

    My experience with guides has shaken my confidence quite a bit. Which is fine, I’ll get over myself and the point is to learn, so me hitting snags is a good thing. But, until I have a functioning back up I’m not going to be fucking with it. Facebook cannot go down on account of my education.

    But if I may, I have one question, a bunch of recommendations have the setup “segregated” (I dunno the word) in Docker and Portainers but I don’t understand the rationale. I wasn’t intending on doing this, instead opting to install Pi-hole, Log2Ram, UFW, and the… other… softwares directly to the OS for simplicity. Why would one set up a Pi-hole et al in a containers instead of directly?

    My current set up is Raspbian OS running Pi-hole as ad, tracker, malware block and DHCP (the ISP router is a Sky2 box so no IP or DNS customisation), Log2Ram and UncomplicatedFireWall.

  • I went with a pi running pi-hole. I got it as a project where the tool is the project. But, it’s essential infrastructure now and I don’t want to mess with it incase I break it. I’m an idiot with a poor history with pi guides so far, so I will break it. It’s running the adblock fine, I assume it’s doing the tracking and malware blocking fine too.

    Sadly, that’s where I leave the project for now, I had intended to give it a HDD and some… other… software but I really don’t want to break it. I tried convincing the better half that I obviously need to N+1 but she wisely did not see reason.

  • I quit smoking 6 years ago. It’s tough honestly, it helps that there are no smokers in my social group. When I’m out with smokers I usually bum a cig, particularly when drinking.

    I was hospitalised for a couple months, I couldn’t physically take myself out for a smoke and the nurses weren’t going to wheel my bed down, so they gave me patches. I figured I’d quit smoking when I got out to continue the work already done.

    I still want to smoke, I like that it gives me something to do and haven’t really found a replacement for it, doom scrolling maybe. It also gave me something easy to manage, if that makes sense, low stakes and easy problem to solve every day. I smoked for 10 years and my habit was just less than a pack a day, sometimes more not often less. Hopefully, it gets easier in 4 years when I’ve been a non-smoker for as long as I was a smoker.

    Transitioning to vaping was easier, I was at or near the vanguard of that movement, when we were building our own coils and shoving batteries into tupawares and blowing ourselves up. Whenever I craved a real cig, I’d buy 10, smoke them and go back to vaping. I’d buy a pack every week, then every month, then every 2 months… I hoped quitting would be the same, it was not.

    One of my friends just woke up a non-smoker the same time that I quit, and our experiences are night and day. I get cravings all the time, this guy: “why would I get cravings? I don’t smoke.” His brain just decided it was done smoking one day.

  • If it were something based out of a lack of feeling rather than a surfit it would probably be a fairly innert part of the way I express myself.

    I obviously don’t know what it would have been like if I were born female, maybe I would still be a man. As of right now though, I wear men’s clothes because I always have, wear a man’s hairstyle because I have always have, use he/him because I always have… It feels more like inertia than a part of me, along with just being easier to conform to something I don’t particularly care about, so if the ball had started off rolling the otherway… I dunno though. I suppose another explaination is that I’m just really secure in my “manness” I don’t feel any need to convince myself that I am man, I just am one. Probably why I don’t care about the “because” I just don’t need it.

    My answer to the initial question would depend on how much it upended my life I suspect. If I woke up, I was a woman and everyone remembered me as always being a woman, my wardrobe filled with skirts and I could slot right in, I think I’d just keep on trucking after some initial shock. But, if I had to explain that “I’m a woman now”, buy new clothes, and all that nonsense, I think my answer would more closely resemble the parent comment.

  • I believe I’m the latter in this unauthorized and unofficial poll.

    I’m a lot more attached to my sexuality than my gender. I am definitely attracted to women. I am a man because it’s more convenient for me to be a man however. I have thought about whether I’m NB due to my indifference, but then I rethink my thoughts and notice

    I am a man […]

    and just decide to stop there, I don’t have to care about the “because”. I’m a keep it simple stupid kinda person.

  • Fedegenerate@lemmynsfw.comtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devOrder
    11 months ago

    Anyone willing to drop some learning on a lay person? Is encrypted data less compressable because it lacks the patterns compression relies on?

    Or, is it less secure to encrypt first because smart people things? I know enough about cryptography to know I know fuck all about cryptography.