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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • The kitty graphics protocol lets you send images to display in the terminal. I had a play around with it trying to make a similar GUI. The big gotcha is text rendering. You can either stick to normal grid aligned monospace, or I think you could maybe use a texture atlas, but it’s not going to be very efficient at all. I haven’t got as far as trying that though.

    The videos… while they work are probably uncompressed video which is only going to work well over a very fast network.

  • You’ve misunderstood the issues completely. They had no issue with paying more. The issue is with the extortion of demanding they pay for 12 months up front, the 40x increase (7 million visits a month is 3 visits per second on average; not huge - definitely doesn’t cost $10k/month), the terrible communication, and the retaliatory shutdown of their account. If you can’t see the issue with any of those I’m not sure what’s wrong with you.

    Consider how Cloudflare should have handled this:

    1. Instead of connecting them to sales repeatedly, connect them to a technical team who could explain the actual issue.
    2. Let them pay monthly (honestly based on the emails from them it sounds like there actually is a monthly option; they just were trying to strongarm them into paying for a year).
    3. Have less insane pricing.
    4. Give them proper warning before shutting their site down. Not “your site may be closed”, but “we will close your site on XXX”.

    Cloudflare are the clear villains here, assuming none of this is an outright fabrication, which seems unlikely based on the similar experiences of other people. You desperately grasping at the fact that its a casino to swing the moral balance is hilarious. Why do you want to defend Cloudflare so much? Do you have shares in them or something? (Pretty sure I do.)

  • The reason systemd absorbs other services is because it’s trying to make a proper integrated OS userland. Having a load of separate components that don’t really know anything about each other kiiind of works, but it’s super janky.

    For example Windows has supported a secure attention key sequence (ctrl-alt-del) for literal decades. Linux still doesn’t support this very basic - and critical for shared computing environments like schools - feature, because it requires coordinating X11 and logind and the kernel and god knows what else and they simply aren’t properly integrated.

    The systemd hatred strongly reminds me of when Xorg started automating the config and you no longer needed xfree86config. You didn’t need to manually write mode lines and tell X that your mouse had 3 buttons, and some people did not like that.

    Yes it sounds completely insane that people wouldn’t like this obvious improvement where things used to require tedious manual configuration and now they worked automatically but some people really didn’t I promise! My theory is that it’s because a) it made their hard won knowledge obsolete, making them less smart relatively, and b) they resented the fact that they had to go through the pain but new people wouldn’t and that isn’t fair.

    Seems similar with systemd. I would like my laptop to sleep properly please.

    Also I have actually read some of the sudo source code. There’s absolutely no way that code should be SUID. Insane.