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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2024


  • To add to this, radicalism spreads thru a social contagion effect and requires repeated reinforcement, and social media acts as a catalyst. However, local organizing also plays a vital role in the spread far-right extremism.

    Here is an article I have written on my blog detailing how people become radicalized. I have ads turned off and do not benefit in any way from my blog.

    One important section I’d like to share here is for the false ‘both sides’ arguments:

      There is a stark difference in the means with which the two groups engage in acts of extremism. In a study evaluating Left-Wing and Right-Wing domestic extremism between 1994 and 2020, there was one fatality as the result of Left-Wing extremism, versus 329 fatalities resulting from Far Right extremism in that 25 year period. [5]
       The Far-Right movement is the oldest and most deadly form of domestic terrorism in the United States, and The Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism found that the Far-Right is responsible for 98% of extremist murders in the U.S. [24] Furthermore, for nearly every year since 2011, Far-Right terrorist attacks/plots have accounted for over half of all terror attacks/plots in the United States. [21]
       In the U.S., Right-Wing extremism was responsible for two-thirds of all failed, foiled, or successful terror attacks in 2019, and was responsible for 90% of attacks in the first half of 2020 alone. [21] Since 2013, Far-Right extremism has been responsible for more terror attacks/plots than the Left-Wing, ethnonationalism, or religiously motivated attacks/plots. [21]


  • This really irks me, because it applies to subs related to weed or other non-sexual content, including some games. I’ve also been hit with the same prompt to open the official app for subreddits that are “under review” or new.

    I only go to reddit from search engine queries to get answers for a topic.

    I just posted on reddit for the first time since the API disaster to get support for the watchmaker app (that is the dev’s official source for support).

    I noticed a weird glitch happening to me (mobile site on Firefox) in which if I edit a comment, it loses all formatting. Like, every space between ‘paragraphs’ dissappears, and so did the block quotes. It just put “>” in with the jumbled up mess…