Allan, plaease add details

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • When you do what microsoft wants, they dont punish you. Microsoft have found a way to treat users like employees. Every company knows to punch an employee above the belt (by nesesity of a cruel world or optionally pretend its true), apologise, give them cake and pray they develop a relationship.

    For those that whisper “union” to coworker, punch below the belt, look tough and walk away.

    this is how Microsoft hates your non cooperation

    They wont mess with buisnesses because they have too much power to abandon their product in mass and are generally aligned with Microsoft’s productification practices. However, users “dont have any power”.

    Microsoft doesnt want users to turn these settings off, devorcing your computer as much as they will allow makes a “your device is not set up” screen to appear at login. Its a lie (or gross redefinition of “set up”). I would argue that it is designed to trick users into turning those fetures back on.

    If you run a program or follow a guide to turn off settings in the registry, they have in the past, changed them back. users often dont check every setting to make sure they havent changed in the night.

    Microsoft actively disrespected (and mabe still does) the “open urls/links in this app” menu, they give you their sales pitch on edge when switching the prefrence, they overrode the setting to always be edge or they did the above settings tampering

  • I fear were becoming a mob. (off topic) I don’t know the extent of the issue, but this post’s title found in a few minutes of browsing

    Slave killing his slave master, now tell me how the slave master is an innocent victim libs

    re-worked to remove inflammatory guff

    Slave killing his slave master, the slave master claims he is the victim

    it makes people mad because it sounds like their insulting you, (you liberal /s), but really their acting close-minded like the conservative movement anti SJWs.

    the topics they pick and opinions they hold are very odd, We (possibly inaccurately) use a label to describe but also insult them, a “tankie” is a “useful idiot” for the very few remaining communist labeled countries (not necessarily actually communist).