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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • I don’t disagree, but it also only works out so well for many, many people. Like depending on where someone lives, their community is largely the people they needed to be protected from. I’m lucky in that I live in Portland. A fairly progressive, if not at least performative prgressives, but at least we won’t be the first to go. But since I have sympathy and empathy for people, I would rather it not come to that. Accelerationsm is just sacrificing marginalized communities. And I get you’re not much of an ally, and that’s fine. I’ll take people who don’t care but are willing to let us live our lives. But for the rest of us, I can’t get behind the mentality of just throwing people in the fire and saying “Well I’m just gonna watch over myself.” That’s a part of how things like dictators happen. And once that happens, participating locally won’t be enough, because things like local elections wont be a thing anymore.

  • What other choice do some of us have? I would love a centrait president. Like actual centrist. I know going further left that that is impossible at this current point, but even centrist is a super long shot to even win the primary. Bernie can’t even get enough people who support him to vote for him.

    So let’s say Project 2025 becomes P2029. P2033. P2037. As a gay man, I need to keep pushing that back. If not, me and my community get even more fucked than we are. That’s when things like genocide start to happen. I don’t get the choice of risking a republican being elected. The only hope I have is either as younger people start getting to voting ages, and older people die out, and religion starts to disappear, that maybe things will change.

    It’s either that or I leave. Granted, me and my boyfriend are highly considering it, for multiple reasons. But it won’t be something we can consider. It’s something we will need to do.

  • Ehhhh I can see it. It’s usually out in nature where people might want to just see nature… but I also usually see it in places where people aren’t going sight seeing as much. It’s fields. Which are nice. Those are nice to see. But it’s not the thing people are seeing in the towns as much. But if they were, I don’t see how it could really ruin the view of a neighborhood.

    If it was something like in campgrounds, going out to the lake and it’s just right there in front of the view of the mountains, right off to the side of hiking trails, I would hate it. But over all I don’t see it as that huge of a deal. They tend to find the best places for it with causing the least amount of trouble for others.

  • I think it’s like a lot of things in life. Especially when capitalism is concerned.

    There’s a seedy, underground section of it. Women get trafficked and forced to make videos. It’s disgusting and something I don’t ever see going away. If it’s not porn, it’s prostitution. Sex trafficking makes a ton of money, and a lot of rich people are sociopaths.

    However, outside of that, it’s fine. Watch it in moderation. We’re human. Most of us like sex. We like watching other people have sex.

  • No one buys this excuse outside of those who agree with the message of the jokes. Just because it’s told in joke form, doesn’t mean it’s not saying anything. If anything the best types of comedy are the ones where they are saying things. Like I remember a comedian talking about going to do a show, and it wasn’t until right after his set it was a show run by the KKK. If they have a comedy night and make jokes about black people, is that just joking? I mean, you can’t claim it’s racists just because it’s coming from a racist, because it’s a joke. You’re not meant to take it seriously.

  • I feel like anytime I’ve ever taken a class to learn how to use Word, it’s been one of two things.

    First is essentially how we will use Word. It’s a note pad with a few extra things for editing text, but the main thing is headers, footers, and the margin sizes.

    Second is nothing I will ever use. When I was going to school for accounting I had to take a class on Windows programs, and we spent so much time learning how to post images, how to edit them, and shit like that. By the end of the class I could probably make a profesional looking flyer, but it would have taken half the time with any image editing type program.

    Also in that class we had a free students version of Word, which meant that there were usually steps in the homework we couldn’t do, but we still got points docked for it. Even though we all told the professor about this. So that was fun.

  • as much as possible and in as many areas as possible.

    I do want to just take a second to highlight this. The idea of buying local and buying from people who make things instead of corporations can be hard. It’s expensive. And obviously the point is that we are all struggling. So looking at all the stuff I buy I thinking I need to spend so much more on all of that is daunting.

    We all live under the same shitty capitalistic hellscape. We can’t get out of it. We can only do what we can. Need a new dresser? A locally made one will cost you a lot. Don’t stress about not being able to afford it. If you need to, get a cheaper one.

    But for a lot of things, you can get it for just as cheap looking around on Etsy. If they have their own website where you can order it so they don’t have to pay Etsy money, even better. My boyfriend is in his last semester of nursing school, so I’m getting him a gift, and it’s custom made. It’s expensive, but most things I would get him are probably made with cheap labor in another country, and would just help prop up a large corporation.

    Does this mean everything I buy is custome made? That it’s made locally? No. I can’t afford that. But I stopped using Amazon for just about everything, have started buying from people when I can, and it’s honestly kind of nice. I got to help someone make a living doing what they want to do, instead of just working a job. So even though we can’t afford it all the time, it’s great to do it when you can, and not let the idea of it needing to be everything make us feel defeated and then never doing it.

  • I would say depending on the purpose, you can get some cheaper stuff. Like I’m not gonna expect people at a college party to make rum and cokes with the nice stuff. And they’re just shooting back tequila for fun.

    But I also still wouldn’t get bottom shelf. Its still worth avoiding that. I worked at an Albertsons liquor store back in about 2010. You could get a handle of Albertsons brand liquor for $10. Was always tempted to get some just to see how bad it is, but could never force myself to do it.