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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • It’s Nyquist–Shannon. Norquist is taxes.

    Also frequencies greater than half the sampling rate aren’t lost they fold into lower frequencies unless filtered out.

    But if you think it’s easiser to capture those room acoustics with analog equipment the non linear amplification and distortion of any analog system is going to change the sound just add much if not more then a good digital system.

    So yeah both lose or distort the signal but digital does it in avery predictable way that can be accounted for and it does have a frequency region that it captures precisely. Analog doesn’t.

  • So I got my AA at community college and my bachelors in computer engineering at a university. Other then math and physics there wasn’t a ton of useful classes in CC.

    But if you are going to an ABET accredited school (or similar if outside north america) you are going to learn a lot in university.

    You should learn how to analyze basic RLC circuits. How semiconductors work at a atomic level. How to design basic transistor circuits. Logic gates both design and analysis. Flipflops (the simplest computer). Computer architecture. A programming language or two and some basic assembly. How to use an oscope, logic probe, and multi meter. Basic digital signal processing, fourier transform, and linear controls.

    There is a ton to learn and it’s not stuff you can just pickup on the job.

    Keep at it and good luck.

  • There are a subset of vegans who are very vocal an pushy about being vegan.

    There are a lot people who think vegan food is just salads.

    Vegans often don’t actually remember what meat tastes like. I have several very nice vegan friends. They sometimes that something tastes just like meat and you can’t tell the difference. In sorry but I can tell and vegan meat substitutes are often bad.

    It’s too bad because there are a lot of tasty and satisfying vegan dishes but they are usually not trying to mimic meat. I love fried tofo or mapo tofu. I’ve never had a good tofu burger.

    There are also a lot of vegans who are all or nothing. I eat meat but I also try to limit the amount. I don’t need meat at every meal. Some act like that’s the same as eating streak for the meals a day.

    There is also a lot of complexity eating vegan. Just cooking for vegan friends can almost double the complexity.

    I primarily limit meat because of environmental reasons. And frankly my backyard chickens are lower impact then that avocado at the store.

  • Simple answer is they are careful about what they say and have good lawyers that review it.

    A few examples.

    Calling Tom Cruise a fudge packer in the context of him being in a bathhouse could eaisly open them up to liability for calling him gay. But doing it in a fudge factory while showing him putting fudge in a box gives them a clear defense that they meant it literally.

    Simmaraly telling him to come out of the closet while he is actually in a closet provides cover.

    Making things so absurd that a reasonable person wouldn’t believe it and know it’s a joke also works. So having Barbara Streisand aquire an artifact that makes her into a giant robot monster works but something plausible wouldn’t.

    Having Kanye open up and admit he is a gay fish is absurd enough to provide protection. However they probably couldn’t get away with him simply coming out as gay.

    Of course the genius of south park is they use these legal protections in ways that make the story funnier and not just for cover.

  • It’s a hot mess. Or it was 10 years when I was last forced to use it.

    I remember there was one setting I needed to adjust from time to time. However the menu tree it was in had been removed leaving it a orphaned tree. So you couldn’t get to it through the ui. The only way to get to the setting was to go to a unrelated page in the documentation and click on the goto link in it. That would launch the menu that otherwise didn’t exist. From there you could back up and get into the menu to adjust the setting.