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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Blasphemy quick stone the unbelievers.

    Kidding of course. Have to admit I agree. I’ve used Linux since the late 1990s. So long long before it was usable by most folks standards.

    I started because my university had HPUX machines that we needed to submit work on. So wanted a unix like enviroment at home I could work on. This was a tim when linux was basically slackers on 50plus floppy disks. Xwindows needed configuring for every monitor. Honestly by current standards usability was non existant compared to windows.

    But honestly I spent so much time on the system. And watched it improve. To the point I find windows an utter pain in the arse now. And will avoid it under all circumstances.

    But the idea of convincing folks who have no interest. Where the hell do folks find the time.

  • Success is no proof of comparative ease.

    Just that the division is actual evidence that a different approach is needed. And let’s face it. In most daily situations the military has a do it the way we always have attitude.

    Thanks for sharing though. Its a good story to share.

    As I said we did it in the UK. Not just with regular troops in ww2. But spy units were trained in secret (along with the home gaurd). To act as a resistance if Germany ever took the UK.

    This was made up of retired and protected industry non conscripts.

    Much of it only released under the official secrets act in the last 20 years. They were literally trained to sabertarge the German lines and keep the resistance active if our government was removed.

    But as I say. Its a different thing to train older people. Unless they have had reason to remain fit. Many take more time. And care to train to military standards. The higher level their carreer the more likely much of it was spent at a desk.

    And teens leaving school are more used to being directed in the way they are expected to think. Old folks have good reason to think they may know better.

    As I said harder to train not impossible. Often best with a more flexible approach then the break down and rebuild most basic training attempts.

    And my grandfather died a few years back. But could not keep up was not a phrase I’d dare use untill the last few years. But generalisations have value when folks are making decisions based on a whole nation.

  • As the other commenter said. There is a reason drafting is normally done at a young age. Once you get to late 30s. It takes effort to stay fit. Most folks having done a desk job in that time. Are not suitable for the sort of roles conscription is generally used for.

    Conscripts tend to need to be trained in ways older minds are less willing to accept. Amd tend to still be used for tasks that are more physically demanding then professional soldiers.

    Now back in ww2 the UK did draft older people. So it is lass rare in Ukraine like situations. But it dose show how rare such situations have been in the last 40 years or so. That many of us have grown up never seeing a draft get so desperate for people.

    Unlike some posters on lemmy claim. It is not really a sign that NATO nations will look to conscription yet. Or at least those that do not do so in genral will not need to move to doing so. The simple,e fact that nato nations are drawing from well over 900m people to russias 145m. Means it will take a major change before Russia is able to form a ground war within nato territory. Even the new ones of sweeden and Finland. Russia would need some seriose funding and rebalencing to be able to threaten the professional forces in a way that would look for conscription.

    But this dose paint a clear picture of how bad things actually are in the Ukraine.

  • As gnome shell and ubuntu. Have nio such good faith agreement.

    And thisbis just a process ubuntu has to reduce its own work load.

    Who really cares. Ubuntu can include and reject any software they choose.

    Ubuntu users can also add and take what ever risks they choose.

    And gnomeshell can choose to change there releases and software as they choose.

    This os the cost of free as in speach software. If you are need 3rd parties to make your software work. You have to accept they have the same freedoms you insist on.

    Personally i prefer that and the option to use older versions if thing go wrong. Then a privrate for profit ccompany making the same choices with less freedom for me.

  • Note the language: “ANY of the following acts”.

    Meaning a) would indicate any nation at war with a nation with a defined identity (most ).

    Is technically guilty.

    I am not questioning if Israel is. There actions are over the top whatever.

    But that definition is extreamly broard in a world that dosenot ban defensive wars. Few would argue a single response on a nation that attacked yours is invalid.

    Yet by that definition. Hamas committed genocide on Oct 7 and Israel repeated it with their first response.

    Absolutely no violent attack on one nation from another. Dose not involve killing members of a nation ethnic or religious group. As that describes every one.

    So seems like a law very open to being considered wrong and reinterpretation as the nation considers it.

  • Can’t disagree with the tittle. Although its not just the US that needs to thinkbabout keeping capacity.

    But the idea that China is not playing by the rules. Is rather hypocritical. When you consider the subsidies the US has used for past priorities. Lets face it whose rule is China breaking. And why the hell should China be expected to follow them when the US and other nations have made zero effort to prevent there own corperations outsourcing to China. More to the point. Getting China to take over production has been an intentional move from the west. As a way to reduce the hold on communism. Western governments have openly tried to encourage a growth in capitalist ideas and a buying Chinese population to sell to.

    Yhe US can and should do what they like terrif wise. Doing so is basically just subsidy in reverse. IE charging other providers rather then funding reduced cost production of your own manufacturing. Its just less efficient because you can only effect limited other nations when you have treaties with some. Where as subsidies allow you to ensure your nation can still produce its own requirements. No matter what other nations do. Why nations should be very careful about agreeing to subsidy banning treaties.

    But the US has used subsidy with oil farming and many other industries through history. When it suited them to ensure their industries could compete. As has europe and much of the world.

    But if you don’t like the fact that another nation dose not follow rules you have invented with out their agreement. Don’t pretend its chinas fault. China dose plenty we can critisize them for.

    But the moving of production from the west is a open choice by Western companies. And one many many people have warned will leave the west without their own facilities. Since at least the 80s. The fact that western governments and western voters of those govs etc, did nothing to stop the actions. Is hardly a reason to blame China.

    But let’s face it the day and politician anywhere says. OK we are doing this to fix our own lack of gas ( give a shit ) over the last 50 years.

    Is the day we see a huge change in modern democracy. Or at least the attempt at one.

  • So again, the reason the crew is stuck is that USA don’t allow them offboard.

    Yes that seems to be exactly what the article is saying.

    But honestly. This is pretty common world wide with shipping issues.

    Most nations will only issue a temp visa to crew members. Based on the expected exit date of the ship. And even then only to nationalities with some form of visa agreement.

    Most nations are required to meet the laws applied. And when the ship is safe. No emergency law applies. So the only ways a crew could leave. Would be to leave the nation with the ship. As is done in a sinking etc. Or for Congress to pass a law allowing immigration etc to give the passengers visas.

  • this kind of shit is just another bump in the road.

    I assume you are younger.

    I am in my 50s. The risk of this shit was known and tought to children in schools in the 1980s.

    Yet at every level. Things have gotten worse. We had solar in the 80s. Less efficient but only about 15% rather then the 20% we see now. But tax payer money in all western democracy. Was still funding oil research not batts wind or solar.

    Cars became bigger and less efficient as we watched. GM was known to have destroyed its own ev production pack in the 90s.

    Nothing at all was invested in building inferstructure to support other fuel types. Again dispite huge public investment in oil.

    And at every 0ossible point. What little that was done was aimed at indeviduals who have the least control. While corperations were allowed to keep expanding there use. Without facing any of the costs for replacement.

    Its a bump. But a 40plus year bump built intentionally to slow and limit changes in the way wealth is made.

    With so much false science and outright lies from corperations its insane.

    Exxon the plastics industry and many other. Behaived much worse the the cigarette industry did before them. And have not had to pay anything for there intentional and informed damage to billions of lives. Where as at least in nations with real health care options. Tobbaco companies have lost lawsuits and paid a fortune since discovery.