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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • “So anyway, we raised the prices by 300% due to… uh…suh… supply chain issues! Somehow our shoplifting losses also went up 300%! So we decided to put an armed guard in every isle and check out starting in 2024.”

    “Luckily our profits also went up 300%! In celebration, we are holding a pizza party for all full time employees on December 25th at 6:00 am in Antarctica. We suggest car pooling to combat climate change! Choice of 1 slice of cheese, or no cheese pizza. If anyone can’t make it then we will be live streaming the event to our corporate intranet. Just head into work and you can all relax in the managers office to watch the full event. The pizza will be so good, even looking at it will be satisfying! And hey, if you’re already watching the event, why not pick up an extra shift? We’re just so proud of our workers here at literally every corporation.”

  • Last year I was sick for 7 weeks with covid, RSV, the flu, and then covid again. I had to go to work while still sick with covid because I was out of sick time, even though their own policies should have prevented me from returning. I told all my coworkers to stay away from me and avoided them like I had the plague, because I essentially did. Had I actually not cared about other people’s health, I could have lied and destroyed the entire department for months with recurring spreading illness.

    I had to have a meeting where I was being threatened with a PIP for attendance, while I was still sick and wearing a mask, for my job at a vaccine laboratory.

  • Your friends were so stupid on ketamine that they needed a babysitter.

    Let me just point out a few things. You could have said “in that case, all drugs make you stupid” which would have been totally valid. You could have said “at the dosage necessary to incapacitate someone, of course they would be stupid”, which of course is valid.

    The whole point of my very first comment was to poke at people who love ketamine, and also those who read studies about ketamine and proceed to spread it like gospel.

    There isn’t a recreational drug that exists that makes anyone temporarily smarter. They all make us temporarily more stupid. For some reason drug users get real uppity when you point that out, especially about their drug of choice. That’s not to say that something can’t be taken from the experience that helps someone, or that might inherently make them smarter or self aware. I was just simply stating that when on that drug, you are more stupid. I think that’s a lesson that a lot of drug users should be more aware of.

    I’ve seen a lot of dumb shit happen because someone was mislead about a drugs effects. Hell, I have some K in a stash right now, but let’s not misguide people into thinking they will just be coherent floating brains. They may also be floppy dumb messes that may need babysitting for 45 minutes. Will they be just as smart afterward? Probably. But for those 45 minutes they are going to be stupid.

    Good on you for being a trip sitter. You’re good people. People deserve to try drugs in a safe manner and that’s what leads to good experiences. Those good experiences are what those stupid people deserve.

  • I’m not trying to diminish anyone’s experiences with ketamine, or reduce anyone’s access to it, though I do think it’s funny everyone thinks that some asshole on the internet has that ability.

    Are you able to stand up when using ketamine? How about run? Could you tell me your personal details such as name/date/address? Could you tell me the time? Could you remember your mother’s phone number? Could you take a bath? Could you safely use a knife? Could you melt into nothingness and lose all sense of self, physicality and emotion?..wait strike that last one. Of course you could.

    Now we’re at the point that we all realize dissociation is to become stupid and incapacitated. Anesthitized even?

  • Im fairly certain that what I’m about to say will be disliked by ketamine users and abstainers.

    Ketamine is garbage at everything besides temporarily lobotomizing people. It works for it’s many uses because it makes the user stupid. It’s often given to suicidal people, not because it’s a miracle drug, but because it incapacitates them in a safe manner.

    That said, it’s great at making people too stupid to be able to hurt themselves, most of the time. It’s great at numbing psychological pain because the user will be too stupid to conceptualize their own thoughts or realize where they are physically.

    It’s also hard on the urinary system and has a fleeting high.

    If you like ketamine then by all means, you do you. If you may be interested in trying ketamine, become a zombie safely, just don’t expect it to cure your depression, woes, or any of your other problems.

  • I noticed immediately that Lemmy was far less vitriolic than reddit was, but that seems to be changing quickly.

    Some of my comments are entirely satire. Some are formal, but a lot of them are my not-so-hard takes or opinions on general bullshit. One of the first comments I made on lemmy a few months ago was still how I feel about social media. Once the “/s” is necessary to distinguish jokes from reality in a community, hate has already won.

    While a lot of my comments are generally well received, I’ve been finding that my purely satirical comments have been being disliked at increasingly larger rates, seemingly because users aren’t sure if I’m joking or not. Maybe it’s the audience changing or maybe my satire isn’t landing, but that leads me to something worse.

    What I find is a more dismal indicator is that my inoculous opinions aren’t being refuted, I’m just being called stupid for having them. I don’t think I’ve outright insulted someone, or called someone stupid since I was an 11 year old on AIM, but that is what seems to be becoming the norm on lemmy.

    Now I’m not saying i can’t take the bullshit. Ill embrace it when given, but if this place was supposed to replace reddit, or be a more free and accepting group or communities, it’s failing. Newcomers aren’t going to stay here long if we can’t get along, and communities aren’t going to thrive with toxic echo chamber tendencies.

    Anyway, if anyone wants to have tongue in cheek banter, too bad. I’ll be watching Latex Angel and hotkinkyjo videos. HKJ can fit entire human leg in her torso.

    Edit: I also seem to have a follower.(?) I find it odd that most of my comments have a single downvote. Maybe I’m wrong, but if I’m not, downvote away stranger. At least I know you care about me.

  • I had a specific problem today that googling didn’t help (it was a google account problem, go figure). I added reddit to the search terms and clicked into reddit for the first time in months. All I can say is that their UI is purposely horrible. Like, so fucking bad.

    I would rather join tiktok than use reddit at this point. That should sound like sarcasm, or hyperbole, but it isn’t. Lemmy is feeling like the last social media network I’ll join, and as soon as lemmy gets to the toxicity levels of reddit, which no offense but I feel will be soon, I’m probably going to be the weird person that just uses their phone to call their family, utility companies, and watch hardcore anal fisting, footing, and prolapsing videos.

  • Let’s take a step back from this pointless argument. Shrink rates have been between 1-2% for arguably forever. Retailers currently are aghast that their shrink losses went from $90 billion to $120 billion! Yikes! That sounds like a big increase!

    Yet, that shrink percentage has not significantly increased. It’s been around 1.5% for a few years now. Doesn’t that make you wonder though? If the percentage of shrink loss isn’t increasing, how are the losses increasing 33%? And even more perplexing is, how are these companies posting record profits? Quarter after quarter their profits are increasing as much as 6% even with these record breaking shrinkage losses.

    It’s almost as if they have taken advantage of the publics attention of COVID era inflation, and price gouged the retail market. It’s like they priced their products 33% higher than they were, in order to make record profits, and those higher prices can easily be conflated into record shrinkage losses.

    Weird. I’m sure that can’t be what’s happening though. My always friendly Walmart has always been set on giving me the cheapest prices possible. They couldn’t be trying to change the narrative to make it seem like customers are thieves. They love their customers, and would never patronize them for something as greedily evil as a drop in their revenue bucket.