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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • In Germany about 60 people are shot per year by police

    According to whom? The officially reported figure lies between 5 & 15 fatal shots fired by police officers per year, with 15 being a sharp outlier.

    Obviously it’s better if no one got shot but let’s not overexaggerate the risk, like has been happening in this thread and is what I’m responding to.

    The thread you are responding to talks about the track record of US police officer not the all around risks of being alive. So let’s look at the track record of US police officer. A US police officer is 200x more likely to shoot somebody, then his German counter part (adjusted for population). How high would you put that number, before it is worth discussing to you? How many people have to die, that you are willing to discuss this issue?

  • As a Data Scientist I can say: The present danger from AI isn’t the the singularity. That’s science fiction. It’s the lack of comprehension what an AI is & the push to involve it more and more into certain decision making processes.

    Current AIs are at there cores just statistical models, that assign probabilities to answers, based on previously observed data.

    Governments and cooperations around the globe try to use these models to automate decisions. One massive problem here is the lack of transparency and human bias in the data.

    For example, when a cooperation uses an AI to determine who should be fired. You get fired, you try to complain, but you just get the answer the maschine had a wide variety of input data & you should have worked harder.

    We experienced in the past, that AIs focus on things we don’t necessarily want them to focus on. In the example from above maybe your job performance was better then your colleges Dave, but you are a PoC and Dave is white. In the past PoCs were more prone to get fired, so the AI decided, that you are the most probable answer to the question ‘Who should we fire?’.

    If a human would have made the decision you could interview him and discover the underlying racism in this decision. Deciphering the decision of an AI is next to impossible.

    So we slowly take away our ability to address wrongs in our burocratic processes, by cementing them into statistical models & thereby removing our ability to improve our societal values. AI has the potential to grind societies progress to a halt & drag easily fixable problems decades or centuries into the future.