• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Meijer is the only one that has their self checkout figured out. 2 different sections in my store with 10-12 checkout stations. So a minimum of 20 self check out stations open and they’re always open and working. They never give me the errors like Walmart and Kroger.

    Walmart might have 20 checkouts as well but half aren’t working or open plus there’s 3x the people at Walmart so there’s usually a 15 minute wait.

    Kroger is the worst with the errors. They might have 20 checkout stations but 5 might be open.

    Going to Walmart or Kroger is always a hassle. I avoid those 2 unless I need one or two items.

    Aldis and Meijer are my go to.

  • Idk how I missed this comment originally but it’s very interesting. I hated every vegetable as a kid, I still don’t like most of them but I’ll push myself to eat them. I do enjoy cucumbers, and a select others fresh vegetables. (Once they get cooked… 🤮🤮🤮)

    When avacados are “good” I friggin love them. It’s literally heaven for me. Idk what the deal is but I took advice from everyone in this thread and I bought a avacado and I’ll post a little update when I try it tomorrow.

  • It’s absolutely insane what they charge. Another example is an MRI

    I had an MRI done a few months back. I took probably max 30 minutes of the machine’s time. My bill was $5000. Fortunately insurance covered all but $200, but collectively it raises all of our insurance rates when a hospital charges $5000 for an hour test.

    I did some math. A new MRI is 1 million to 3 million dollars. We’ll go on the upper end of 3 million.

    Let’s say they do 8 MRIs a day.

    They make $40,000 a day per MRI A 5 day work week they bring in $200,000/week $800,00/ month

    That MRI is paid off in 4 months.

    I get there’s other expenses. Rent is a few thousand a month. The techs probably made $20 a piece while I was there. There’s definitely maintenance on the machines. But come on? $5,000 for an MRI?

    Let’s go a little deeper and see why the actual machines are so expensive. Are they actually that expensive or is GE, Siemens, Phillips making a huge markup?

    I don’t hate capitalism like a lot on here, but I believe our needs health, education, housing, electricity needs to be highly regulated and it should not be for profit.

    Also sorta unrelated but not really, but I love bringing up that Corporations should not own single family housing.