• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I don’t have a story in particular, but any time there’s any critique directed towards my boss he will make up some excuse for his actions. It seems like he takes any critique as a personal attack and obviously the critic in question is the problem while refusing to address the substance of said critique. Makes it impossible for any improvement to occur and is very exhausting.

  • From what I see, the center left politicians in Europe are still liberals supporting capitalism. More of a social democracy which is for sure better than the individualistic libertarian ideas being promoted in the states, but capitalist none the less. Still not fully addressing the ethics of the population as a whole.

    Also, I do realize that America isn’t the center of the world, but it definitely has serious impact on what the people of the world see as the trajectory of the future. Especially if (and this is pure speculation) if the right is able to create fox style echo chambers in other countries using the narrative of following the American superpower.