Honestly, I’m surprised it took this long for Google to kill its main product over profits. This is in every big company’s textbook.
Honestly, I’m surprised it took this long for Google to kill its main product over profits. This is in every big company’s textbook.
I don’t know about OP and other countries, but where I live it’s got to a point where companies are basically sharing everything on Instagram only. A lot of them don’t even have official websites, and those that do have websites don’t update them and leave them to rot and die.
Wanna know which concerts are coming up to your favorite venue? Instagram. Wanna see the full menu and prices for your favorite restaurant? Instagram. Wanna chat with a human and get a real reply? Sorry, they’ll only answer your DMs on Instagram.
It’s infuriating, so I keep an Instagram account just to follow those brands and know what’s up. I also follow some close friends, but I don’t interact with anyone and I don’t have any posts, they all think I’m weird in that sense, but I don’t care.
Google also doesn’t care. I kept seeing the same scammy ads and sensationalist articles on my news feed, over and over, even after reporting them several times.
The only solution was to blacklist those sources so they don’t show up on my feed. I feel bad for other people who might get scammed though.
I’m only there because my third party app still works. The minute it stops, I’m out.
In my company they legitimately try to convince us that our users love ads.
I conducted user research on one of our websites, which showed complaints about the amount of ad placements we have been throwing at them. The execs responded by telling me “but we are actually HELPING them, we’re showing them products that will improve their productivity and processes”. Then, they came up with ideas for new ways we can place MORE ads on top of the ones already there. I’m sure our users are loving it!