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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • A small correction. The article says:

    Last year city residents accounted for 90% of the 39 million euros in public transport ticket sales.

    So 90% of the tickets were bought by locals, not that 90% of the total revenue of that public transport service came from the tickets that locals bought. In fact this number is wildly overestimated. A lot of PT services operate based on taxes (same as this policy) and in many cases the revenue from tickets can be as low as 10%.

    Honestly considering that only 10% of the tickets are coming from non residents I am surprised that it’s not free for everyone. For sure the loss of revenue there will be very small compared to the increased efficiency in operations, either from less maintenance/employees required but also to make onboarding faster/easier.

    I was also not aware of these numbers until recently, when I heard thr Freakonomics episode on free public transportation.

  • I’d argue that effort is better spent fighting for broader change. Ideally you’d do both but one is more significant than the other imo

    I have no interest in being a modern day martyr. Both of us could end our lives right now and it would be the most eco friendly action possible, but it would wouldn’t even begin to move the needle. Insignificant is not even close to describing it. So I won’t severely impact my lifestyle just so that I can feel good about it. I will and have make compromises and reductions to help with this, up to a certain point and I have and will continue to push for broader changes that will affect groups of people even if I’m included in those groups because there the proposition is different.

    Imagine you live with a couple of roommates and they completely trash the place every single night. We’re talking like shitting in the middle of the living room, trash everywhere etc etc I won’t contribute to that mess at that scale but I won’t lose sleep if I left the my dishes undone overnight.

  • You are equating all Palestinians as Hamas which is just factually wrong. Israel are in did fighting a war to commit genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza. This is not even debatable or something that Israel itself hides.

    About half the population in Gaza are children. They also represent a significant share of the casualties and injured. Tell me how any of those children want to exterminate Jews and how Israel needs to defend itself from them. Tell me how indiscriminate bombings like that are justified.

    And yes Israel did start this, decades and decades ago, and they are continuing with their plan. Hamas and Israel are both benefitting from this at the expense of civilian casualties.

  • So by your definition the current banking system is equally flawed because bank transfer aren’t enough (Bitcoin main layer) and a second, faster and more scalable option on top of that is needed, I.e. for example Visa (Lightning Network).

    Also exploding problem is a rather flawed or better incorrect way of comparing it. For example the current banking system also took its time to ramp up and I assume the 28 months you mention are for the entire US population (because there’s no source) and not all of that population has a bank account, which is a problem with the current system. So it isn’t “fair” to present bitcoin as infeasible to solve a problem that the current system hasn’t yet solved with its decades of existence.

    Regarding those difficulties about the LN, I’m not the person you replied to but it’s still very much in development so it’s normal to have issues. Google it and you will find the same for the whatever system you think is the best atm. Heck some of those problems are there by design. But I will have a look at those links you shared.