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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • Started on Friday… still coming in waves. I had a breakdown a few weeks ago… just pushed myself too hard for too long…it was probably building up for at least a year. Went to the VA (veterans affairs, for those not in the US, the VA is the sole source of health care for many veterans in the US), and they started making adjustments to my anxiety and depression medications which eventually precipitated into a ER visit. A few days later, they got me hooked up with the mental health clinic where I talked to a provider about going on short-term disability while we’re messing with my medication doses until I feel normal again. He says something along the lines “sounds like a good plan, sned me the paperwork.”

    Queue up to Friday, I get a call from the insurance company saying they got the paperwork from the provider, and it recommends I go back to work. Now I’m out of PTO, disability is denied, and I’m trying to decide whether I lose my job or go back to work on while tettering between “extreme anxiety” and “drug-induced haze” from all the new prescriptions.

  • Unfortunately, the whole scenario is a little contrived, and it feels quite a bit like the same tactic as describing things like fingernails or the “heartbeat” of a fetus…it’s designed to get you to act on emotion without learning more.

    Now, if a surgeon were to be found doing gender reassignment surgery on minors without the years of therapy and other interventions that are all part of the real process…then I’d be fully on board with yanking their license to practice and probably charging them and the kids guardians with any applicable criminal charges. As far as the real process goes, the whole thing is designed to give the person every opportunity to change their mind or only partially transition before anything irreversible happens. It usually starts with letting the kid pick their own clothes/hair/whatever and therapy. If they change their mind, they just change their clothes and hair. Then, more therapy and maybr change their name ( it doesn’t even have to be a legal change yet, as they’re a minor), maybe puberty blockers as appropriate. If they change their mind, they just stop the blockers or go back to their old name… whatever they feel comfortable with. Then maybe top surgery as a late teen or early 20s… again, it’s harder to reverse but still doable.

    Because of the way the process is gradual and guided by medical professionals, actual cases of someone fully transitioning then changing their mind is less than 1%. Gender affirming surgery to make you look more like your ideal version of your assigned sex (breast augmentation/lip implants/whatever) have mich higher regret rates.

  • Yes, if he breaks… His supporters have literally taken the stance of “wearing diapers and shitting your pants is manly.”

    If he breaks, it’s because that’s what a man does. Hell, if video came out of him going down on some dude, you’d see all his homophobic followers wear “I suck dick for Trump” shirts, loud and proud, and with no hint of irony.

    Nothing matters to them anymore except Trump, so nothing Tru.o does can dissuade them… They’ll just change whatever they like/hate to stay on the team.

    Even if they put him in jail, it’d be like when Capone went. He’ll get his own cell by himself with a TV to watch fox news on, they’ll give him a phone to tweet his bullshit, probably a personal chef to make him Big Macs and Diet Cokes.

    This isn’t the case that’s gonna fix the justice system, even if we did throw him in jail.