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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • The truth is it’s all propaganda from both sides and no one actually knows what’s going on. And because I’m saying this anywhere I’m probably going to be downvoted to oblivion as either side will downvote me. However, what we do know is:

    • China has admitted there are training camps in the Xinjiang Area.
    • The training camps are mandatory and people have been forced to go there.
    • The graduates have been spread all over China gaining employment in pretty much every factory in China (This imho is because it makes things impossible to sanction)
    • The people are compensated for their time in the training camps (This is what makes them forced labor camps in theory)
    • It is a cultural thing where guests in Xinjiang are invited to sleep in the same bed. This has lead to many stories of Chinese people forcing themselves into the bedrooms of Xinjiang people.

    What we are sure isn’t quite right:

    • They are not genociding the people in the camps. This is why the conversation has turned to “cultural genocide” whatever that means. I believe this is propaganda to reinforce that they could be genocide when there is no evidence.
    • There is a lot of fake evidence for the genocide. For example the prison camp image or the truck that is censored but has red liquid leaking out of it were all doctored. Just this alone has to make you question the truth of those claiming genocide.
    • The “leaked list” of prisoners is fake. It contains HK movie stars and actors.

    What we could probably conclude:

    • I’d argue that there is forced labor occurring as they are literally being forced into training camps and getting paid for it.
    • There is no forced labor in the factories USA is claiming there is. After graduating, the students are welcome to move and work where they want, so this can’t be forced labor.

    Final questions:

    • What happens to those who won’t participate in the forced training camps? We don’t know, and that’s ultimately where the disconnect and miscommunication is coming from. The west is claiming they’re being killed. China isn’t saying anything but then are at a minimum keeping them locked up indefinitely. So, in the end, it’s a bad situation for sure but it’s likely not as bad as the western propaganda makes it look.

  • The funny thing is that people think China would disagree with that map, yet that map is exactly what China claims. In fact, Taiwan claims far more than that map, so the only source of disagreement technically would be on the naming. However, China, or Sino wouldn’t actually care. You think China is the name they gave themselves or even use or say that term? That was a Western nomenclature put upon them in the first place.

    China’s largest gas company is called sinopec, not chinapec. So that weird name change is meaningless to them. If that made the west happy so they could take over Taiwan, they’d do it in a heartbeat.

  • What you’re saying is true, but misses the point. Yes, larger content creators can get sources of income besides advertising. However, the whole point of youtube is to let anyone big or small get started. Small creators can’t get started if they don’t have a source of income. So that’s where the advertising comes in.

    In a sense, twitch builds upon the success of youtube. They took large creators who could get the $5 subscriptions on to their platform. But this only increased the need for youtube to court advertisers.

    In a world without advertisers paying content creators, our options would be severely limited. We want small upstarts and cutting off their source of income is a terrible idea.

    Unfortunately, our world requires the necessity evil of youtube doing whatever it can to stop ad blocker. No matter how nice it is. And if you as a user are satisficed with the limited content from large creators, as you said, there’s always twitch.

  • I don’t think we have differing opinions actually. I’m saying there have been many countries that have stated they do not see the stuff USA talks about to make it reasonable to ban. They all shut up and followed the US after 2020 and individuals even started to say Huawei is more evil than American companies. Again without any particular evidence.

    Would I argue that Google and Huawei do similar and equally bad things, yes absolutely. I’m just tired of people attacking Huawei and saying they’re worse than American corps. That’s all I’m trying to say here.

  • That’s because the accusations and bans were on telco equipment. Hell, you can still buy Huawei phones on Amazon if you wanted to in the states. You don’t seem to understand what all the propaganda hub bub was about to begin with.


    I think you’re completely misunderstanding my position. My position is Huawei is considered worse than google because of US propaganda. Not that Huawei is better than google. And that propaganda is not substantiated.