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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • IMO the “ownership” thing is a red herring. It has its roots in a specifically American obsession with private property.

    If everybody “demands ownership of goods”, that means we share nothing. Hardly a model of “sustainable consumption”. There are loads of examples of redundant private ownership of goods. My favorite stat: the average electric drill is used for 7 minutes in its entire life. All because every household in every building on every street must have its own one, instead of us finding a way to share them.

    In the context of digital “goods”, “ownership” really just means control. I wish we would use that word instead.

  • So I will offer constructive pushback instead of inane downvotes like everyone else.


    This word does literally nothing except trivialize your argument and so make it less convincing.

    don’t give a shit

    Ditto. Makes you sound angry and irrational. Not much of an incentive to go on reading.



    These are medical terms. Presumably you will claim to mean them literally and not figuratively. But really, nobody is going to assume in good faith that you’re a doctor or a psychologist. So, again, the result is to undermine your whole point and make it seem like empty bloviating.

    Hope that helps.

  • IMO this is an unpopular opinion mainly because capitalism is a terribly polarizing word which now means different things to different people. On the left, it’s associated with imperialism and oppression. Among moderates and liberals it means the flawed ideology which beat something even worse, i.e. communism.

    But the original meaning of capitalism was basically: accumulation. In other words, economic growth. And I think the jury is now in on this one. In the end, exponential growth is just not compatible with a living planet. The evidence is mounting on all sides. One example: the only period in recent history when the environmental indicators were all pointing the right way was the short deep recession that followed the financial crisis. That says an awful lot.

    As a liberal I’ve changed my mind on this subject and I now agree with you.

  • Some good points here, I stand partially corrected.

    There are in fact 2 completely separate things that irk me. The biggest is the virtual lynching that is mass-downvoting. I’m sorry, I will never ever pardon the downvoting of opinions, I think it’s the illness of the social internet since the very beginning. See my many other recent comments for evidence of how strongly I feel about this.

    The other issue is the actual one at hand! You’re right that this cache folder business does not really concern most ordinary users, even on Ubuntu. But actually, if even we geeks need to tell each other to “remember to do X every now and then”, I have enough of an IT mind to think “Why do we need to remember anything?! The tool should do this job for us!” These are “babysitting” chores and IMO on a decent OS there should be zero babysitting, it should be set up once and then it should work forever, with any tweaking optional.

  • Fair enough, tho personally I don’t see this “doom-y language” you see, I just see a slightly exasperated opinion expressed in good grammar and good faith.

    But personally I don’t downvote people for their opinions, ever, as a matter of principle. It’s literally a form of censorship, given that it hides the comments. It leads straight to a deadening groupthink where dissenters are scared to open their virtual mouths. It creates a general aura of negativity and intolerance that helps nobody at all. Downvoting, as it is used by most people here and on the R-site, is an absolute scourge. If anything makes me leave this community, it will be this.

  • Ha! Yes I agree completely with all of that.

    And with your point here. In this world of pocket touchscreens and voice AIs, where young people don’t even know what a file is any more, the geeks here are reminding each other to empty their .cache directory from time to time. I mean, do they have no self-awareness? Or perhaps they simply don’t care if nobody chooses to use Linux. That at least would be coherent, but if there are no new users then eventually the whole thing will just die.