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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Do they? I guess they’d have to figure out why they’re so set on getting that surgery, if it isn’t a matter of skewed body image. Any treatment is going to have to depend on that, I’d imagine. Has there been research on this subject?

    I sincerely doubt a doctor’s first response would be to encourage the patient to get a BBL. Gender-affirming care (specifically here, hrt and surgery) has been extensively scrutinized and researched and has been proven effective for treating gender dysphoria, and other treatments (like conversion therapy) have proven ineffective. As far as I’m aware, the same isn’t true of BBLs and (is there a name for this phenomenon?). From what you said, it sounds like BBLs aren’t nearly as safe as gender-affirming care, so that might make it more difficult to justify. It’s also worth mentioning that gender-affirming care is justified by just how bad the outcomes are without it (e.g. suicide rates, persistent mental health struggles, quality of life). Afaik, similarly negative outcomes haven’t been observed in this case, but please correct me if I’m wrong.

    *I’m typing this on my phone, but if you do want sources on the effectiveness and safety of gender-affirming care, effects of conversion therapy, etc., I’d be happy to provide them once I get home.

  • I just want to point out, gender dysphoria is different from body dysmorphia, though the words look very similar. A person with dysphoria (eg, a trans person) sees their body the way it really is, but is uncomfortable with it. A person with dysmorphia (eg, someone with an eating disorder) sees their body as different than it actually is, and is uncomfortable with that perception.

    That said, you can’t effectively treat someone experiencing body dysmorphia the same way you’d treat someone experiencing gender dysphoria, and vice versa.

  • Idk much about genetic engineering and whatnot, but I’m definitely wary of the day people are really able to apply it to humans. Maybe I’m just catastrophasizing, I haven’t studied this stuff at all, it just seems like it’d be a big deal. Kinda like how Darwinism and evolution had effects on the social/political climate.

    Hopefully it isn’t/won’t be a big deal in a negative way. It’s one of those things I should totally learn more about so it’s less scary, I just haven’t gotten to it yet. Sorry for the rant lol.

    E: Come to think of it, it probably doesn’t help that most of the “reading” I’ve done on the subject is from comic books, lmao. And the new(ish) Guardians of the Galaxy movie. No wonder the topic feels spooky.