• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Excellent, that makes sense. I’ll try that command tonight at home, see what it does, and report back. I kind of want to know what it’s doing just because I’m curious.

    I say a relay, but I agree with you - I couldn’t imagine a relay being used. But whatever it is on my desktop, it sounds just like a traditional ice cube relay clicking - and it’s quite loud. But I have no idea what it is. I’m not sure I’ve ever had a computer that made that noise before. My laptop makes no such noise obviously.

  • I did some more digging on this last night. I’m more confused now than I was before, and I don’t know what it’s doing.

    The arch wiki defines three states, suspend to ram (sleep), suspend to disk(hibernate), and a hybrid suspend(presumably what my steam deck does).

    First there is the “turn off the display” behavior. Doing anything brings the monitor back alive and I’m presented with the Lock Screen.

    Second is what I believe to be sleep. This happens when I select “suspend” from the menu or leave it alone for a very long time. This mode doesn’t happen soon (maybe at all) if the computer is doing stuff. It appears to be in a lower power state-but I can’t say why I think that (maybe it’s just because the fans aren’t running? I dunno). Wiggling the mouse or doing anything wakes it back up.

    Third is another state. It’s just like the above state, except it will not wake up with mouse movement, or clicking keys on a Bluetooth keyboard. I must push a key on the keyboard, the power button, or open the lid. It’s weird because it responds to things other than the power button.

    Interestingly, my desktop behaves exactly the same way. But what’s interesting on the desktop is that I can hear a power relay clicking on from this third state. It’s distinctly different than the 2nd state - exhibiting power cutoff, but still responding to the keyboard.

    Neither computer enters any other state even after days of being left alone.

    So I dunno. Are modes 2 and 3 like two versions of sleep, and hibernate never activates? Or is state three hibernation but it responds to things it shouldn’t?

    I have no idea. But now that I’ve played with it some more - I don’t want to say hibernate is working because I don’t know what it’s doing. All I know is that it has the above three behaviors which are consistent with my desktop machine.

  • It was a couple hours. Just like on my desktop, wiggling the mouse wakes it from sleep, but not so in whatever that second state is when it’s left for longer. It definitely was something other than sleep. What it was - I’ll let you guys decide. Whether it behaves long term with fans in a laptop bag, that I don’t know - I haven’t had enough run time with it.

    I’m just sharing a positive experience. If I see it misbehave I’ll be sure to update the thread with reality. But so far, it really is behaving much better than I expected.

  • I left I alone, it went off. I came back and wiggled the mouse, nothing happened. I pressed the enter key snd it came back to life -same behavior as my desktop.

    Did it again, this time I tried closing the lid and opening it - it sprung to life when the lid opened.

    You’re right - not the most thorough tests, but that’s what I did/saw.

  • It kind of was what I meant. My first Linux experience was in 93 - I wanted to run X on my 486 so I could use maple and other Unix programs from the mainframe in college. Thank god for my comp sci roommate-I don’t think I could have figured it out on my own back then.

    Flash forward through the decades and here I am running all the games I want through steam and bottles. Win10 updates are crapping on themselves requiring a reload - I try linux on it expecting it to mostly work, but having a few annoying issues that will be a bear to solve. Nope, it just worked.

    It’s impressive to me. A bunch of nerds on the internet mostly volunteered their way into a better OS than the big boys have made.

  • I was rocking an iPhone 6. Yes, a 6. My wife had an xs max - two weeks ago she dropped it and it smashed. We went and bought a pair of iPhone 15 pro max phones, fully loaded.

    1. they are ridiculously expensive - over 2k a piece. Most people can’t afford that. What happened to sub $1000 phones?
    2. yes there’s a lot of improvements over the 6. But the 6 still functioned perfectly - albeit a bit slowly
    3. the only improvement I can tell as a user over the xs max is the cameras. They are arguably better. Otherwise it’s the same phone.
    4. the software is nearly identical on all three versions. There’s not many “ooo this one does xyz like this, and that’s an improvement”

    Bottom line: there just isn’t a reason to upgrade a phone anymore, unless they break. Sales HAS to go down if the price point stays the same or goes up.

  • I see this sentiment a lot and I’ve disagreed. Something didn’t really click for me with Metroid prime - I much preferred the side scrollers. I think it has to do with controllers - up until then I was a mouse and keyboard person, the controller was jarring and janky.

    Maybe I should revisit the series. I never thought it was a bad game, maybe I’ll appreciate it more the 2nd time around.

    I do love me some Metroid games whatever the form.

  • Not ruined, but pretty fucking annoying. In laws came for a few weeks to visit for the holidays. We don’t see them as much as we’d like, and its nice. But MIL wants to include her sister too - the deadbeat aunt-in-law boomer who still can’t get her shit together for over 70 years. Whatever - we tolerate it.

    Except she fucking shows up sicker than a dog and is hacking non stop. You know the kind of coughs where you can hear gallons of snot being coughed up - ya that. Wtf - I give it one week and we’ll all be miserable with that exact cold/flu/covid whatever the fuck it is. Fucking loser boomer bitch who thinks of nothing but herself. Sigh.