‘The more I see of what you call civilisation, the more highly I think of what you call savagery.’

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • political elites in Europe are afraid and fear upheavals are coming in the coming years and months because of the cost of living crisis and the war. They try to clamp down beforehand to preserve their own power. This always happens when things go bad. The leash is kept looser when people behave and it’s tightened again when the opposite happens. There is no real freedoms that is given to the people by the elites, because what concessions they give willingly they can just as easily take away when they no longer feel like it. Provided that they think they can get away with it.

  • Remember that Huawei already broke through the mobile SoC barrier that was thought to be impossible with their new chip recently? Oh I wonder what is going to happen next… Well the Chinese have been much further in their domestic GPU/AI accelerator development. They just end up creating Chinese domestic competition and at worst global competition for US tech sector. I say Washington is desperate and treading water with it’s sanction war and will end up slowing china for a bit on the short term, but en up shooting themselves in the leg on the long to medium term with this one.

  • It’s not as if there were not enough assmad mods (and users) who hated seethed over the place already. This was just the reason to get it over with, because “Issrael hecking has the right to flatten terrorist Gaza and anybody who says otherwise is an anti-semite and a tankie.” Thats just the enviroment we live in and mind broken liberals see that as a reasonable position to have these days. Lemmyworld is also somehow as or even more insufferable than reddit in this regard. One just assumes that in the fringes there would be less mainstream and more nuance and willigness to speak up.

  • Empty words…

    Any bureaucrat or politicians who was driven to do what needed to be done would have to risk their career and life at this point. The amount of fundamental systematic changes needed to be done would make too enemies. Also you can’t just say fuck it and collapse society, by going cold turkey in a few years. It needs plans and long term thinking something that is impossible when for politicians is like six years max time in office and of which the latter half needs to be in practice lived elections in mind.

  • it’s probably only beneficial to China if the housing bubble is deflated. Astronomically inflated housing prices are only bad for economic growth in any country as they create unnecessary upward pressure for mortgages and rents that then push up wages in high housing cost areas and therefore make it more unaffordable to do business and produce things.

    The only problem is to make sure it doesn’t just spiral out of hand and that all housing projects of Evergrande will finish and people wont lose their homes. Then investors can realize their losses as they should and not expect a bailout.

  • So State labelled media was basically just keep wrong narratives under wraps, keep people away from them and shaft them down the algorithm where nobody would see it unless they went especially looking for it. It never had anything to do with “state media” since no western state media got the label, never had anything to do with lies, disinformation or propaganda either, since what is wider media these days anyway. It had everything to do with not following the Euro-Atlantic narrative and god forbid letting the designated “enemy countries” voice their side of the story. Why there is so much Twitter/X hate rn. in the media is because the western global ministry of truth fears losing grasp of the narrative if too much freedom is introduced.

    I want to hear no bullshit here about how this was actually ever good and necessary and why we need narrative control for “democracy” and for protection of the fragile minds of the plebs who don’t know any better than to believe Russian and Chinese lies.