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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • The line from Kendrick’s Meet the Grahams is actually

    He hates Black women, hypersexualizes ’em with kinks of a nympho fetish

    This part isn’t about children, it’s generally believed to be about Drakes alleged assault on Laquana Morris.

    The former stripper and Instagram model alleged: “Drake forced me to perform oral on him. It wasn’t your ordinary oral it was more so a fetish.” She then describes how he told her to spit into a cup “until he had measured it."

  • Yes we both agree that you can vote and also protest. My argument here was that voting for Dems does not move them left, so I’m not sure how protest is relevant.

    But since you asked for the alternative, I think the american labor movement of a century ago is the last truly successful model. It required a large peaceful protest movement, various forms of violent direct action, and a broad base of support in the populace who would not be swayed by propaganda. Those who died in that fight earned us the weekend, workplace safety, and dignified retirement. They planted the seeds for the most progressive era in American history.

    I think we have to reckon with the fact that recent protest movements all failed. George Floyd defunded 0 police departments. The Womens March was a punchline. After Occupy Wall Street, banks and hedge funds just got bigger. Anti-Iraq war protests may have curbed some brutality, but that war continued for 2 decades.

    These protests are on the right side of history, and changing peoples minds is good, but to change peoples material condition you need to change policy too.

  • Yes of course, but that’s not really relevant to the broader point here.

    Democrats have won more elections than Republicans, yet they have moved to the right. So what will it take to move them left?

    The person I replied to suggested that voting can move the Dems left, but I disagree. At a national level, the Dems have been captured by corporate money.

    They understand the best way to get votes is through advertising dollars, and the best way to get dollars is corporate fundraising. Other countries call this corruption, but here we call it free speech.

  • Im not trying to justify the crimes of Russia or China, Im trying to point out the hypocracy of the AP. I’m not sure this qualifies as whataboutism.

    Hiding behind legality isn’t a convincing argument. In my opinion, what happened to Chelsea Manning was ‘legal’ in the same sense that slavery was once ‘legal’. Its an absolute disgrace and a moral stain on the nation.

    So the remaining distinction is the violent violation of sovereignty, legality, and due process. When the US wants to violate these international norms, we label the target as a ‘terrorist’. We have killed thousands this way.

    So maybe a better analogy to this situation is the murder of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, 16 year old US citizen dissident who was killed by Obama without a trial. Iran and China are following our example, and the way AP covers these stories shows their bias.

  • Other commenters are correct that Evergreen is quite a “hippy” and “alternative” college, but I believe the core reason this happened is Rachel Corrie.

    Evergreen school administrators may have been more amenable to students’ demands because of Rachel Corrie, who was a 23-year-old Evergreen student when she was crushed by an Israeli military bulldozer while she and others sought to protect a Palestinian home from being demolished in the Gaza border town of Rafah

    Seattle Times

  • …Look in the mirror: The horror, the horror! The butt of your M-16 on my cheekbone The yellow patch it left The bullet-shaped scar expanding Like a swastika, Snaking across my face, The heartache flowing Out of my eyes dripping Out of my nostrils piercing My ears flooding The place. Like it did to you 70 years ago Or so.

    I am just you. I am your past haunting Your present and your future. I strive like you did. I fight like you did. I resist like you resisted And for a moment, I’d take your tenacity As a model, Were you not holding The barrel of the gun Between my bleeding Eyes.

    …The very same gun The very same bullet That had killed your Mom And killed your Dad Is being used, Against me, By you.

    Mark this bullet and mark in your gun. If you sniff it, it has your and my blood. It has my present and your past. It has my present. It has your future. That’s why we are twins, Same life track Same weapon Same suffering Same facial expressions drawn On the face of the killer, Same everything Except that in your case The victim has evolved, backward, Into a victimizer. I tell you. I am you. Except that I am not the you of now.

    I do not hate you. I want to help you stop hating And killing me. I tell you: The noise of your machine gun Renders you deaf The smell of the powder Beats that of my blood. The sparks disfigure My facial expressions. Would you stop shooting? For a moment? Would you?

    All you have to do Is close your eyes (Seeing these days Blinds our hearts.) Close your eyes, tightly So that you can see In your mind’s eye. Then look into the mirror. One. Two. I am you. I am your past. And killing me, You kill you.

    • Dr. Refaat Alareer

  • I think it’s important to distinguish between good faith criticism, like you are doing, and the people screeching that “I dont believe the 10k number bc its Hamas”. The latter is genocide denial, it rhymes with “I dont believe 6m died in the Holocaust.”

    And yes I agree the fog of war is thick, the initial reports of 500 dead at al-Ahli hospital were overblown and sensationalized.

    But I think the safe assumption is that the 10k number is a significant undercount. The health ministry counts corpses in hospitals and morgues. It isn’t able to count people buried under rubble, bodies incinerated, corpses strewn across the road outside Gaza City, direct hits that leave nothing behind but pink mist, etc.

    Look at it from the other side: Israel has said it launched over 9000 rockets, so if the 10k deathtoll is accurate, then each rocket killed only 1.1 persons on average. This death rate per rocket is very low, especially considering many are launched into heavily populated urban areas.