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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I don’t think that analogy goes far enough…

    The sheer level of hurt that the USDF could put on them is completely on a different universe to anything they would have come up against previously.

    They 100% could obliterate everything in that theatre that even resembles a “target” with little warning and zero real strain, it would be significantly less effort than some of the training exercises that happen.

    Someone is clearly being paid by someone else to provoke a response or provide a distraction (I wonder who)

    Which I think is probably why nothing too crazy has happened in response yet because why give them what they seem to want.

  • I have absolute confidence that Finland will absolutely counter any aggressive actions all by themselves if they need to.

    They have an absolutely staggering amount of artillery and you can be sure it’s all pre-sighted and ready to make any silly invasion attempts an absolute blood bath.

    They also have a powerful and decentralised airforce, setup to operate from their highways and backwater air fields should the need arise.

    Finland out of any nation in Europe would be the least of my worries about its ability to defend themselves, they have been gearing up and planning to defend against Russian aggression for generations, their people are motivated and I believe already armed with their service rifles after they complete their mandatory service period.

    Add NATO membership into it and Russian threats are just laughable, dragging such a powerful and motivated foe into a war you are already struggling badly with would be incredibly stupid, not that that rules it out I guess.

  • The dumb thing about this taking myself as an example.

    I drive a large heavy diesel 4x4, yes it’s not great on the pollution front I understand that.

    But it’s all about perspective, I use mine to go on camping holidays for example.

    Listening to someone who drives a Tesla criticise me for my lack of environmental awareness while going on 4 overseas flights per year that I don’t take is peak hypocrisy.

    One long return flight per year contributes almost as much as my evil 4x4 does in a whole year.

  • I’m sorry what? I think you should go check your Iranian history then come back.

    Iran was a flourishing moderate country before their Islamic revolution, they were even an ally of the US.

    They had a revolution by a sect of ultra conservative sharia law islamics that changed all that.

    The US is responsible for many unfortunate changes of government and old friends turning enemy… but not this one.

    They got the way they are through oppressing the female half of their population, poor foreign policy, corruption and being more concerned with hurting their neighbours than building and maintaining their nation.

    So they are now an unproductive, backwards pariah state that kills teen girls for trying to get educated or not wearing a headscarf, Iran did that all by themselves how great!

  • I wouldn’t block them, but I’d be leaving the group chat.

    As if i want my default sms texting app to be getting spammed by a big group chat.

    Also the default at least here in Australia is pretty much Facebook messenger or maybe WhatsApp not because anyone likes it, but because everyone already has a Facebook account even if they don’t use it much.

    Also it means you can easily have group chats with people who you need to communicate with but you don’t really want to have your number.

    What a ridiculous notion to be using a platform specific service for a group chat, unless you are deciding your friends group or work colleagues based on the phone they use which again seems unfathomable.

    I am an iPhone user, in Australia and i have seen precisely zero iMessage chat groups even attempt to be created. Because everyone knows it’s a shitty pain in the ass service if someone doesn’t have an iPhone.

    We all blame apple for that as we should not the android user. How it ended up inverted in the US is beyond me but it’s backwards af.

    This whole thing is a non issue being caused by lack of thought and logic of the users apparently almost exclusively in the USA

    Personally i wish the default here was discord or signal but messenger is still far better than iMessage at least from a cross platform usability standpoint.

  • A lot of the major anger is coming from businesses and government and to be completely honest…

    If the system your business or government agency has implemented requires 100% up time and relies on a cellular network or any network or power grid for that matter, guess who’s responsible for ensuring that there is adequate redundancy to insure a outage does not occur or is very unlikely to occur…?

    Ding ding ding that’s you, you are the one responsible, or the person who you had design it and set the standard and enforce it…

    Business and government agencies/services implemented systems with a single point a failure to cut costs, when I absofuckinglutly guarantee that a network engineer brought up that maybe they should add redundancy and was shot down by bean counters.

    And now that it’s blown up in their fucking face they have turned around and are trying to redirect attention from shareholders and the public back on to Optus.

    Optus fucked up, but no more than if a power line came down when the power company had one of their trucks back into it and the power went out.

    If people are going to die if the shit you are designing doesn’t work, or you business is going to loose tons of money, that’s your responsibility to design and implement something that does not have a single point of failure.

  • Firstly it’s not a Max version.

    Second, the Australian airforce and Boeing developed this plane together and have already had it in service for many years with fantastic success and reliability.

    I believe the UK RAF also has some in service.

    It’s been operated with many of our allies on joint operations and sometimes with observers as they all knew that their AWACS fleets were in pretty desperate need to be replaced and were accessing it.

    It is by far the most capable platform of this type, and it’s a ready to go mature design that the countries looking to come on board have already been operating along side and supporting in real operations.

  • Almost 40% of most democratic country’s populations would probably agree with most dumb and provocative ideas presented in a poll… especially now days with how partisan everything has become.

    That said the Australia/ USA alliance is more important than any particular administration or head of government either our Australian government or the US government.

    It’s an alliance of enormous mutual benefit that frankly is not going anywhere.

    Australia is an enormous unsinkable aircraft carrier rich in resources, far enough from potential adversaries in the region to provide extremely strong defence in depth in the region. We use common platforms and tactics in battle, and have extensive integrated combat experience.

    Perhaps even more important than any of that, it would be politically unacceptable I believe to our populations to turn our back on each other at this point, so many of us have personal friends and family in each other’s country.

    We might occasionally have disagreements like any family does, and we might not like everything about each other but that’s how it goes with family. Any other country trying some shit I feel will find out fast that our alliance is stronger than it has ever been.

    The US, UK and Australia have a bond forged in the fire of conflict and quenched in blood, anyone who wants to try and fuck with one should probably be ready for a fight with all… not to be overly dramatic.

  • Oh man, look I don’t want to get into picking sides or whatever and it’s extremely cold hearted to look at is so frankly… but.

    Israel is going to completely annex all of Palestine by force and fully occupy them even more than before…

    They are already fully mobilising everything and looking steamroll anything that can’t get out of the way or that stands and fights.

    The general vibe I’m seeing is they will do their best to straight up crush everything once and for all, while they feel they have the geo political cover to probably get away with it.

    So many people are going to die.