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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • You left a very gracious reply so let’s not fight.

    I see a certain amount of irony in the overlap between the group of people ranting that Wayland has too many implementations and the group demanding more implementations of everything else. So that was my point.

    Certainly we can agree though that there is nothing wrong with demanding more of both.

    One my favourite new distros, Chimera, uses both Wayland and dinit (and Turnstile ).

    I am interested to see where the diversity that Wayland provides goes actually. Have you seen this?


  • I may be remembering wrong but I am sure I got CD images off FTP for earlier versions as well.

    I have been downloading Linux since grabbing floppy images of SLS, used Red Hat for years, and do not remember having more than one version on actual CD that I did not burn myself ( for sure never DVD ).

  • In Wayland, the compositor is the window server ( the equivalent of Xserver ). What you are looking for has to be a feature of the compositor and it is.

    As others have said below, wlroots based compositors offer wlr-randr. There is also gnome-randr. For KDE, there is Kscreen-doctor. For X ( the window server being used by SDDM here ), there is xramdr.

    Now, some people may see it as a problem that we have multiple Wayland implementations. I am mostly not fighting that battle. I will say that I hope these are not the same people that winge about systemd though and push for alternate init systems. I hope nobody that thinks MUSL is cool Is clinging to X11.

    I would prefer that there was a common configuration standard for this stuff on Wayland. It will probably come eventually. Maybe as part of the freedesktop.org stuff.

    Generally, I believe the Linux ecosystem has been stronger in areas where there has been competition between implementations ( even compilers ). I hope that Wayland will be one of those areas. As the core problems get fixed, the pace of innovation will increase. I believe we are already seeing that. There are more examples every day of things Wayland can do that X11 cannot. Let’s hope for more of that.

  • Ironically, they were probably afraid of the very explicit litigiousness of Nintendo.

    Two solutions:

    • different names ( like Sony )
    • different positions ( like Microsoft )

    Third solution:

    • get sued by Nintendo

    Maybe they did some early testing and got feedback that people liked the button names being the same as Nintendo. Or maybe they read criticism about Sony using different names.

    Maybe they were originally the same and then the legal dept depended a swap too late to change the actual names.

    Maybe none of this stuff.

    As you can see, I find the legal system to be a bigger threat and generally more frustrating than Microsoft.

  • This is exactly what people mean when they say GNU/Linux. They are trying to say that it is “the GNU Operating Syatem” with the Linux kernel.

    This nonesense though. Please ignore them.

    Linux Mint is an operating system. It uses the Linux kernel. The fact that it includes a handful of GNU packages in no way justifies co-opting the branding. Linux Mint includes A LOT of software from many sources. Are you going to try to list them all in the name?