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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2024


  • I’m a bit lost on your last bit, however. Are you saying this law will further push AI into the hands of large corporations? I don’t see that, so much as see them being forced to implement stronger filters, while pushing users to the open source community in search to get around them. Horny people gonna horny and this law won’t stop that, it’d only stop public facing models from producing such content and stop individuals from distributing it.

    Remember how taxi medallions were worth millions and millions of dollars in NYC and Boston before uber? (1.2m was the peak per medallion in nyc. They dropped to like 35k at one point and are now around 140k.) Remember how uber got billions in VC money to fight the taxi industry lobbyists and effectively operates despite violating the systems that were in place for ages that prevented small independent operators from being taxis without having a bunch of seed money? Those billions of dollars let them win the legal fights and continue operating. You or I could never have challenged it.

    That’s the comparison I was making. If you regulate AI into the ground the only innovations and usage will come from big money interests, because they can eat the lawsuits. Individuals can’t eat the lawsuits. The law only applies to the small fries, the big guys cheat and get away with it because there is no transparency and a whole lot of pinky swears.

  • 32GB of ddr5 can be found for ~$100, and any other upgrade from a ddr4 platform today is going to require new memory.

    So the DDR4 13th series folks can stay on their oxidized processors, or they can pay money to get something else. Not much else to do there.

    I upgraded my AM4 platform system to a 5800x3d a while back and it’s still working just fine. I wouldn’t recommend people buying into AM4 today just because no more upgrades are coming… but AM5? why not? It’ll be around until ddr6 is affordable circa 2027.

    I’m super interested in seeing how intel’s 15th gen turns out. We know it’s a new socket so the buy in cost is sky high as all have argued here (that mobo/cpu/ram is crazy expensive.) I can only imagine they will drop power load to avoid more issues but who can say. Maybe whatever design they are using won’t have been so aggressively tuned or if they’re lucky hasn’t started physical production so they can modify it appropriately. Time will tell, and we won’t know if it has the same issue for a year or so post release.

  • So you’re saying if someone makes a nude that is remotely similar to your likeness you can sue them.

    What do you do about identical twins if one chooses to be a porn star and takes self shots? Wouldn’t it look the same? Is it a crime to sell nudes if you have an identical twin?

    What about anybody who is not related but looks VERY SIMILAR - we’ve probably all heard stories of this happening.

    Finally, how do you know if it’s a US citizen that created the image vs anybody in any other country not bound by US laws?

    What if an AI creates a nude and then a child is born, and 20 years later they grow up to look identical to the ai generated image?

    There’s so many reasons why generated images should be treated like art and protected as free speech imo. It’s one thing if someone you know makes fake nudes of you and then uses them to ruin your image - that’s likely covered under many other laws including something like slander.

    People have been going to 11 trying to do anything preventing machine learning from being used for absolutely anything. It’s completely predictable because everyone wants a cut of whatever wealth may be generated by a new technology but maybe we should adapt to the new tool rather than punishing everybody for using it. AI is quickly turning into a tool that will only be usable by multibillion dollar companies with in house legal teams that can handle all the lawsuits.

  • An adult would be content on half a medium pizza

    A medium cheese pizza from dominos is 1660 calories. A slice is 210 calories.

    630 calories (3 slices) for a meal seems about right.

    A pan pizza from dominos is 2320 calories. a slice is 290 calories.

    Two slices for the pan pizza seems fine too and with their typical pickup deals is the same price.

    Though their deals usually give you two toppings for free. My favorite is Chicken, Bacon, Ranch sauce on pan. It’s 2,960 a pizza, or 370 per slice. Right now my local dominos offers these for $8 each if you buy two. 6000 calories for $16. Stupid cheap and feeds minimum 6 people who want a thousand calorie meal each.

  • drones above a certain dinky threshold also require registration

    Basically 0 chance that this law applies to RC helicopters/planes/multirotors. They don’t contain GPS and they aren’t monitored by air traffic controllers.

    The newer regs boil down to you basically have to write your ID number in the canopy and avoid restricted airspaces… and who the hell is gonna roll by and check that you have a number written in your canopy? Maybe cops that get a complaint, and that is pretty rare. The older guys who have been in the hobby that I know completely ignore the newer regs, if you aren’t bothering anybody then nobody cares.