• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • …oooooooook, not really sure what to make of thaaaaaat. Kind of like following a set of footprints in the snow and surrenly each footprint breaks off into different direction, and then a bear eats your eyes.

    Ha ha, now you’re blind and terrified in sub freezing tempratures unclear on which way you came from.

    That’s when you realize I only come to Lemmy to feed my ego, hoping to develop one, and feel better about myself in the distinct lack of a social life, I can at least find solice in knowing I made a funny that got 5,000 updoodles.

    And until then, I’ll still think of myself as a massive piece of shit inconvienencing everyone by breathing, and cry into my pancakes.

    The point I’m making, which I’m sure isn’t clear to like 90% of readers, is that upvotes make people happy when they’re proud of a comment or post. They come back, and see a bunch of other people liked it. And its kind of like Lemmys version of applause or booing. Ask any performer, they don’t do it for the money. They do it for creativity and validation of their creativity.

    And it sucks that one guy/bot is just like NO! regardless of content.

  • Don’t tie it to a number.

    Imagine if they did this back in the 60s, but using numbers.

    “1 million??? Thats way too high! If I made 1 million in a year my grandkids could retire from that year. Better make it $100,000. 90% tax after $100,000.”

    Today because of inflation I would say someone making $100,000 a year is comfortable in luxery, but still earning their pay.

    Tie it to a percentage of the curve of what average americans make, and I think you deflate most of inflation. Because if their price for a good is $3.00, and it costs $1.25 worth of wages to make, they could raise that $3 to $5, and only give the workers $0.25 raise, which means now that item costs $1.50 to make, but sells for $5 instead of $3. This rewards ceo’s to raise prices disproportionally. Tie it to the curve, and if he raises the price to $5, now he has to pay workers $3.25. Suddenly it’s not the ceos getting rewarded for doing that. Suddenly random price hikes to please shareholders are GONE. Which means if you can’t stay profitable in a fair market, you cease to exist. You can’t just pull a short term band-aid fix to pop a stock price, and ignore consequences. Because now those consequences actually kill your company.

    What we would be left with are CEOs who actually RUN their company, rather than just load the numbers. We’d have better products, better wages, and a better life.

    But if we tie it to a number, our grandkids will be right back to where we are.

  • Alright. You make good points. I agree with you. However there is a problem. Alex jones is a nutjob with no redeeming qualities. He has a base, and called on his base to blockade his house to prevent law officials from repossesing his house, his infowars platform, and anything else worth any monetary currency. Notice, I didn’t say “value” because let’s face it. It’s alex jones. What value could there possibly be with him.

    Trump did the same thing with J6. Gets his base in a frenzy to do his dirty work, and uses them to attempt a coup. I fully believe the vast majority actually there on J6 didn’t even know thats what it was. They didn’t know where were attempting a coup. But they were fully prepared to follow daddy oranges commands.

    My point is, yes we CAN take this country back from the rich. But we will have to fight a second civil war to do so. This civil war won’t be about racism. It will be 100% a class war. And the rich will 100% throw every brainwashed moron they can find into the front lines to die to protect their wealth.

    So if we want to take the country back, we’re going to need to fight. Quite frankly, I’m looking forward to it. Either I die and stop suffering in poverty, or I get a better life. When you push the public down to the point that they have nothing to lose, don’t be surprised when death doesn’t scare them.