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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I work for a manufacturing company, and during the demand boom our customers wanted way more product than our facilities are physically capable of producing. I suppose sales could have complexified and ratcheted up our existing rationing process (have to have one at some level when it takes months to produce an order), but raising prices made demand go down so it matched our actual ability to make stuff.

    Given the wild increase in demand beyond the infrastructure capabilities, the only alternative to inflation was rationing, and I do not have enthusiasm for ration lines.

  • My understanding was fuel is the main thing Hamas wants imported, with unconfirmed reports they have taken fuel from some hospital stocks that were being used to run generators for medical equipment. Other estimates say Hamas already has enough fuel stockpiled to keep tunnel ventilation fans and their internal phone network going for months without resupply, so I don’t know what to believe.

    That food, water, and medical supplies are going to general use aid isn’t surprising. But the continued embargo on fuel, and resulting increasing electricity blackout, is an ongoing major contributor to the humanitarian tragedies.

  • Maybe in the short term, but ultimately companies make profit when there are lots of consumers with the resources to buy their product. Squeezing employees makes them unable to consume as much, which slows the economy. Ten thousand people buying a $300 TV makes the company way more profit than ten millionaires buying a $30,000 TV.

    GDP is a bumpy measure that tries to sum up a lot of complexity in one number, but over time (years) it grows faster when the middle class does well.

  • I might end up wanting a video, but there is so much low-quality content in search results. I can click into and out of six bad sets of written instructions in the time it takes me to watch one video far enough through to realize it doesn’t answer my question. Please, search engines, place more written instructions higher up.

  • What a heartless attitude to value their aesthetic preferences over the safety of your pets. (Adorable pets as we can tell from the cat tax!) And good on you and your neighbor to go through all that research, and inquiries, and installation work (not to mention navigating the negative social interactions with that board) to provide your cats with the best environment. I can understand how with all that investment in the current setup why the neighbor would get attached to it.

    They could have avoided all this by just doing their own research and offering some safe alternative to cat safety, working with you guys, instead of going power hungry and heartless. Thanks for sharing your successful ‘compliance’!