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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I’m not someone who refused to learn to drive, but I have made pointed efforts to avoid driving but for rare exceptions that usually involve driving other people to appointments. For reference, it’s cold as shit, rainy, and more often snowy where I live 7-8 months out of the year. Our biking infrastructure isn’t great, but it’s better than most of the US.

    I hate traffic and everything surrounding car-centric culture and I’m lucky enough to live close enough to work that I can easily walk or ride my bike if I don’t want to take a bus. The grocery store is a bit harder to manage, but usually something I can do on the bike. I repair everything on my own and ride a bike that’s 40+ years old and the joy I get from riding it is a stark contrast to the experience of driving the same route.

    Sure, the narcissistic behavior of drivers, the exhaust and other fumes, and the stress of are all factors that make me hate driving, but the single thing that bugs me most about cars whether I’m driving, walking, biking, or just sitting on my couch with all of the windows closed is the NOISE of cars. Engine noise is annoying, honking is annoying, but the tire noise above ~20 mph is a constant assault on my senses.

    That’s why the bike trails are nice, not because I don’t have to breathe exhaust or worry about getting hit by a car, but because they are the only quiet and peaceful places in our city. They are the only place cars can’t go.

  • This isn’t an attack on your comment, which gave quality information, but I think it’s relevant to the conversations linked in your comment.

    Their definition of authoritarian is a contradiction to their actions and used subjectively. “I hate authoritarianism, so we should defederate to keep out the authoritarians.” This statement is supportive of a fundamentally authoritarian action.

    This is also why people who use the term “tankies” seriously are themselves deeply unserious. Their understanding of the topic is superficial at best and colored only by Western biases rooted in anti-communist propaganda. The concept of authoritarianism was itself a product of propaganda.

    Saying “no” is authoritarian. Holding elections is authoritarian. Authority itself doesn’t matter, what matters is who is in power and how they use their power to influence the world.

    Some people recognize and accept this reality and then openly support the power that best aligns with their own benefit.

    Anger at tankies is usually just a lack of class consciousness and ignorance based on a term that changes based on who you support and who you do not.

  • Nah, it’s almost as if proving a treatment is “safe and effective” is the entire purpose of a phase ii clinical trial.

    If you want pharmaceutical conspiracies to chase, follow the money. The point at which they are trying to “program” you is when the drug hits the market and commercials come out. It’s not that these products are ineffective at this point, just that they will do just about anything to capitalize on them.

    Pharmaceutical companies are by no means clean and trustworthy, but your conspiracy is literally just a description of marketing and advertising, which I agree is a plague upon our society.

  • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlPiracy
    1 month ago

    A respirator with an organic vapor trap will work, but an N95 will do essentially nothing for chemical vapors besides give you a false sense of safety.

    If you have nothing, do your work outside and don’t work with your face directly over areas with the toluene.

  • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlPiracy
    1 month ago

    Side note: to anyone looking to follow this method, please try to limit the amount of toluene you are exposed to by wearing gloves and working in a well ventilated space. It can do dirty shit to your nervous system and I’ve seen chemists start to experience symptoms from relatively little exposure to the fumes.

  • Looks like he’s just doing the shit that the US government already should have been doing based on existing programs that were actively mismanaged in the past. Promises not kept through administrative technicalities.

    Not a bad thing, but a far cry from the political win it is touted as. Essentially, “we are no longer actively trying to fuck over people who applied to old debt-relief programs.” Weighing this against the predatory nature of student loan policy in the US, the unforgiving bankruptcy policies Biden directly helped put in place over a decade ago, and his failure to achieve the two student loan relief efforts he promised (or publicly campaigned on if you want to get pedantic), I’d say that the progress made is wholely insufficient.

    We can simultaneously recognize that there has been an improvement while also recognizing that it has not been enough and these politicians must be held accountable for these policy failures.

    These are not the markings of a promising or successful presidential campaign.

  • And the typical USian self-importance, “I can use fractions, so I’m not switching.” Fractions work with SAE and metric. Conversions are a pain in the ass.

    As someone who was forced to memorize and use unit conversions regularly, needless conversions tend to overcomplicate tasks and result in more mistakes.

    Mistakes can result in death and needless loss. Ask NASA about that one.