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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • It should be taxed on the corporate side. Taxing sugar on the consumer side becomes a poor tax, because poor people will still want sweets from time to time, making those treats now more and more expensive. Well off people will just accept the tax because it’s marginal to them, but when your chocolate bar that you treat yourself to once a week goes from 1.29 to 3.29, then it really fucks your day up.

    What should be done is incentives to provide less sugar/glucose-fructose on the product side and encourage companies to make snacks and beverages that have less sugar content.

  • Nah, they’re awful. Your explanation is like someone saying, “Nazis are awful,” and you saying “Depends. Fritz had me over for dinner and him and his wife are pretty nice, and Hanz is good defense for a game of footie.”

    Just because there are exceptions to the rule, doesn’t make the entire format, as a whole, not awful. The idea, right down to its core of being 1) easily accessible 2) quickly digestible and 3) easy to market with turns it into a party where everyone is jumping around saying “Hey, hey! Look at me! Looook at meeeeeee! Please give me your attention!”

    This is why 50% of TikTok users surveyed said that videos over one minute long are stressful for them, it’s completely devastated people’s attention spans.

    But this still ignores the ultimate cardinal sin of video content: forcing the vertical aspect ratio in order to facilitate easier scrolling, even though OUR BINOCULAR VISION IS OPTIMIZED FOR WIDESCREEN VIEWING.

  • A lot of what you mention is pretty accurate. Take the internet and websites. I made a website a year ago for my portfolio.

    It doesn’t have a landing page, its purposely difficult to navigate and I used zero seo when designing it. I showed it to the CTO at the company I worked at and he thought it was great, but every other person at the company was saying the website is shit, I dont know how to use it.

    Its literally just a menu, which has clickable menu links at the bottom in case you’re really that dim. But because it involves hunting and clicking instead of just scrolling downwards mindlessly its “wrong.” These same people see nothing wrong with ad copy laden seo articles.

    I haven’t changed my website and instead moved from working in tech to working in the arts full time now. I’m sorry, but IT people mostly fucking suck and they’re just never going to appreciate anything that doesn’t fit their parameters of tolerance.