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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • So, working backwards, thirdly, the books are excellent. The first three are by far the best and cover up to season 3/4ish. The next two are good, but also different. The show also really starts to diverge so kinda up to season 6, but only in the broadest sense.

    In either case if you’re going to read the books, read them all for full background. If course we’re still waiting on at least 2 more new books, sooooooo you might be waiting a while/forever.

    Second. The House of the Dragon TV series. I was also hesitant to watch it, but it really is great. It’s not perfect, but if all we ever got was this one good season, I’d be happy. If season two ends up sucking, bummer, but at least we had one good one.

    And firstly. King Bran. The biggest issue with Season 8 is that it just rushes to the ending. Bran has the best story? He is a weird raven character now. What does that mean? Who understands what that means? What did he actually do? What about Meera?

    But what if we knew more about this three eyed raven character? What if we understood their goals? What if they foresaw the events of the series? What if they caused, or guided them? Hodor’s purpose was to eventually save Bran. To do that Bran would have to make Hodor, Hodor. What if he helped ensure other events also took place? What if Bran being “King” was a setup from the beginning?

    If all that is properly explained, I don’t really have an issue with King Bran.

    Of course that only explains it for the viewer. To King’s Landing Bran is just some weird kid.

    So let’s change Bran’s role slightly. The White Walkers are going to attack. The only way to win is with a united Seven Kingdoms. By the time Dany arrives the kingdom is largely united. However Dany has dragons. Can Bran convince Dany to give everything up and focus on the White Walkers? We see hints of this in the show. If the White Walker threat isn’t fixed in one episode, what happens?

    There are multiple seasons of story, and that’s just Bran.

    They key points of the show can still work (some of them at least), but they need time. Think of the Red Wedding. Arya’s seasons long journey is nearly at an end. Caitlyn and her negotiating is paying off. Robb is about to achieve victory. Three seasons of setup, executed perfectly.

    Realistically, looking back, season 8 was never going to be able to wrap things up. Even less so with a reduced last season.

    The show runners fucked up and they fucked up big time.

  • I always assume people doing this are unhinged/crazy and I definitely don’t want to deal with that.

    Sometimes they look nice enough.

    Usually what happens is myself and everyone else on the train look at each other, have a shared look of “Morons? Am I right?” and then when that person leaves, we all share a group laugh.

    So I guess what I’d say is, if you do this, know that everyone is laughing at you. If you say you don’t care, that’s a lie, you do care, that’s why you’re doing what you’re doing. This is not positive attention, this is negative attention. Please take a moment and reflect to be a force for positivity and not negativity.

  • So I typically have two sets of headphones, really nice ones that I use for long travel & low key ones I use daily.

    At the time my really nice ones didn’t have Bluetooth, but I knew future versions did, so I assumed that problem would solve itself.

    For the daily I tried a set a Bluetooth and found them to be mostly ok, but had frequent disconnects and eventually I just got tired of remembering to charge them.

    A few years later I figured the technology would have improved, but my problems remained the same. I then accidentally ran one of my buds through the wash and that made things worse. It wasn’t the first time I’d run headphones through the wash, but what was previously a $10s of dollars mistake, was now a $100s of dollars mistake.

    I now use wired headphones daily and exclusively.

    For my really nice ones I don’t have to remember to charge them. I just plug them in.

    Also, when traveling on buses and airplanes, they sometimes provide onride entertainment. It’s not clear to me how wireless only folks utilize that. Sure I downloaded things before I leave, but it’s nice sometimes to just plug in.

  • This is the biggest one for me.

    At some point I stopped using Reddit on the web/desktop and just started to use it on my phone/tablet. I tried different apps, but settled with RIF. Every few years I’d try different apps, but always found my way back to RIF.

    Reddit did a bunch of stupid things over the years, but I could happily ignore them and continue to use RIF.

    When RIF went away I had to find a new app. The official app wasn’t going to work for me. Old Reddit on the phone wasn’t going to work for me.

    Luckily there are plenty of Lemmy apps. I’ve settled on Voyager (wefwef) but Boost seems fine too.

    Sure, the content has changed a bit, but it’s close enough.

    For me a good app is key. Lemmy has good apps. I use Lemmy.

    So many apps redesign themselves and assume I’ll get used to it. In actuality they cause me to wonder, “Do I still need you?” and start looking for alternatives.

    That isn’t to say that apps can’t ever redesign themselves, but so many redesigns seem to follow the latest trend and don’t demonstrate a clear understanding of their users.

  • Of all the multiplication you had to pick 7 x 8. I hate 7 x 8.

    I memorized in 3rd grade or whatever my multiple tables, but I never trust 7 x 8.

    7 x 8 = 56

    1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 5, 6, 9 ?

    No. That’s wrong. After 7 comes 8. After 8 comes 5. No, it goes 5, 6, 7, 8.

    If I could visualize it as,

    56 = 7 x 8

    I’d be fine, but I can’t see it that way.

    No I have to take it as 7 x 7 (49) + 7 (1 + 6), to get 56.

    Shit. I hope that makes sense to someone.