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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Does anyone feel these things suck? Not in a good way. I’ve had a hoover since i moved out after college 15 years ago. Dudes a beast. My wife wanted a robot we got maybe a year ago and it barely does it job at best. Constantly replacing parts, frequent disruptions, and got like 600 sq ft on our main floor to clean. Way too much work and when it does work it may get the top layer of dirt but it doesn’t feel clean. I can spend 20 min vacuuming the whole house with my regular vacuum and it feels and smells clean for several days. I hope these robots get better but I’m not a fan right now.

  • I’ve refused to hook my TV up to the internet. Massive bloatware and spyware machine. I bought high end. Samsung 70" top of the line last year. But everything I watch is though a jailbroken 4k firestick or straight up on disc.

    It’s a pain in the ass to switch inputs. THERES NO INPUT BUTTON. It wants to choose FOR ME what input I’m using based off the most recent input. Lick my balls. I’ll switch from the first stick to the Xbox but if the fire stick is still streaming I’ll choose the Xbox and it’ll switch back to the firestick. Fuck you. I can’t even imagine if I let that thing connect to the internet. It’d probably want a huge update, send everything I watch back to hq, and then try to show me ads. Fuck you Koreans.

    It’s a great tv. Top of the line picture quality. But it’s about as good as it gets in this age. If I was more tech savvy I could probably make it better but I’m not.

  • Let me try on this one because I feel you.

    It’s tough to interact, I feel the same way with literally every person I meet.

    Ask a question, ideally open ended, not yes or no.

    “Hey this is my friend bigchungus”

    You: hey, I’m a buddy of op from his gay porno days. How do you know op?

    It incentives the other person to share a little about themselves. And then just be curious. They’ll ask you plenty of questions but the reality is everyone else knows way more about the world combined than you do. Be open, share, but pause and see what their reaction is.

    I find most of the people I connect with are people I think I may have nothing in common with but the more I ask them questions the more I realize we are similar and it’s easier to open up to.

    Also alcohol. Alcohol and drugs. But mainly the the first part.

  • Great. My older bro is one of my best friends. He lives halfway across the country but I’m excited for him to move much closer next year when their lease is up. My younger brother and I play Xbox nearly every day together even though he lives 12 hours away. My two younger sisters live two houses down and we are very close. My older sister lives about 40 min away and is probably the sibling I am most distant from emotionally but we still get along and see each other several times a year.

  • Mardis Gras 2020. Was down there for a buddy’s bachelor party. That place is fucking disgusting. Had an absolute blast. Somewhere between the bars, constant parties, strip clubs, and 3 days of abusing my body as hard as I possibly could, I caught it.

    Exactly two weeks later I woke up and felt like shit. Didn’t lose smell or taste but just felt super lethargic and achy like I had the flu. Called the doctor and he basically said I’m young and healthy and not to come in and if I felt worse to go to the ER.

    This was very early in all the shit, right as the lockdowns were getting started. Missed 3 days of work and stayed in bed most of the time. Tests weren’t available back then unless you were in the hospital. But man was New Orleans a good time.