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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • While it’s cool to show concern for someone who might need to hear some words of encouragement for getting help (well, minus the scare tactics of a dead relative story), you seem to have conflated this poster’s description of the ‘pattern’ a night out drinking can take with a ‘pattern’ of problem drinking every day, or far too often at least.

    What they described is perfectly familiar to me, someone who drank to a level of bad hangover on occasion when I was young and having dumb fun with friends. As I got older, that type of fun got less important and the amount I drink came down to a drink or two, rarely, when I can afford a nice whisky or something.

    Basically, someone recognising how a night of social drinking can turn into a hangover isn’t necessarily the cry for help you seem to have read it as

  • Like what?

    Pro Palestine people want Palestinian people to be freed from oppression. It doesn’t matter that the people currently oppressing them (most directly anyway) are Jews, it just matters that they are the oppressors.

    The far-right (the ones being discussed here anyway that are going to these events and spewing antisemitic crap) hate Jews because they’re Jews. On a different day I’m sure they’d be saying horrible shit about Arabs too.

    So, they might have “I don’t like Netanyahu” in common, but that doesn’t really warrant a loaded statement like “It’s almost like the far right and the pro palestine people share certain things in common” now does it