Damn. That’s a shame. The gameplay is one of my favorite parts. I can get why it wouldn’t be for everyone, it shows it’s awkwardness a lot
I already have to wait a while to see how it performs on Steam Deck. I figured by the time the community figures out if it is or isn’t viable to play on deck (assuming Denuvo or something else doesn’t fuck it over), then most of the bugs will be ironed out.
I also had a bonus screenshot of Cauldron Lake lined up to share, but for whatever reason while retyping the post from when i accidentally posted it in the wrong community, it butchered the formatting (That’s also the reason the writing is kind of stilted). Here’s the bonus screenshot of the water
I’m dreading to do that one with how poor I’ve been with my health management
I forgot to put the game title in the post like I usually do. My bad
I’m loving its comedy. Especially the robo scorpions
Far Harbor for me I feel like had the same feeling I had with the Base Game (except I love Far Harbor’s vibe far more). When I’m in the mood for it, it’s one of the best experiences I can have, but when I’m not I just can’t get into it. I still love both F4 and Far Harbor though
Not the Greatest of all time, but Growing up the two racing games I’d play the most was Forza Horizon and Little Big Planet Karting. Sadly I had to drop LBPK after my PS3 died and Forza Horizon I can’t find the disk for anymore.
My crews go to song is the Infernal Gallop. Brings the moment from a sad one to a more appropriate clusterfuck as we rush to save the boat
Damn, there’s my reminder to watch Venture Bros. I always mean to give it a try but never get around to it
I rushed to get out of there because I was worried my game would crash. Somehow I made it out at 2 fps
I much more enjoy providing updates on games and screenshots that are tied into them instead of the usual Scenery shots I do. I feel like it makes for a much more interesting post
I considered mods, but I’m using Linux and my modding experience with Skyrim was a headache so I vowed no more for Bethesda games. Dead money I’m dreading though. I’m already struggling with Roboscorpions so I may spend a few days grabbing as many Stimpaks and Healing supplies as possible after getting back (and fixing my ranger gear and pistol so I’m not relying on a grenade launcher)
I took the walkway that runs from the dish to the cliff side, and just booked it while taking pot shots with my grenade launcher. It took me about 3 tries but i eventually got out
i’m all out. I’ve been healing consistently off of nuts i got in Honest Hearts and mole rat meat, my chosen play style of shooting things with a grenade launcher has been more of a curse than anything.
i’ve been itching to get back to it. i’m glad i finally fixed the bug i was having with VATS
So far, it’s Mobius. I liked Klein a lot too though.
Part of it is that I was trying to keep a good diversity of games, but also I’m a college student so i basically have a lot of free time this summer. I have a collection of about 30 “currently playing” games I usually go through. I’ll play one game for maybe half the day and then I’ll switch to another game. By this point though I’m probably going to be doing a lot of repeat games because those are the handful I’m going through rn
I have a ton of them (like over 500) from a old collection I’ve since lost so I can’t really say for sure. Off the top of my head I know I have Valhalla Combat and Nordic UI, along with a photo mode mod and a ton of overhaul mods for holds and player houses
It’s hard for me to do that too. I found setting regular reminders for it on my phone helped, at least once I get over that initial hump of forming a pattern, then it just becomes a simple “oh. Today’s my day to run laundry”. Of course, if I break that habit it becomes hard again, but it does help a lot. But also I’m no psychologist, so for all I know it could be a case by case basis