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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • The negative outcome from this information is is that state governments are going to take this and start banning everything like they are doing with books. Social media companies should be doing more by going after and banning those individuals that abuse others online. However, parents need to be the ones who monitor and control their children’s online usage. The internet connects everyone with billions of other people and their are going to be shitty and deplorable people online as well. Banning tik tok or Facebook isn’t the answer. Educate your kids on the dangers of the internet. Put parental control on your devices. Limit the amount of time they have access. And keep an eye on those they interact with online.

  • It’s not a big if it’s a simple question. “Would Isreal be bombing so indiscriminately and so heavily if that ment thirty thousand Israelis would die as a result?” we all know the answer, its obvious eradication of the Palestinian people is the only goal here. Additionally no Israel leader has explained what happens after they destroy Hamas. Then what? Will Palestine be granted self determination? Will Palestine be recognized by the internal community? Will the apartheid state be abolished? If the answer is no to any of those, then we will just be back to another Hamas like terrorists organization getting control.