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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • Disclaimer: I’m on mobile, please excuse and terrible formatting

    The issue that you’re running into is that the Python module “libevdev” isn’t installed.

    The traditional “best practice” for installing python modules is to create a python virtual environment (venv) for each project so they can have different versions of the same module. However, this will make running the script/program a little less convenient. I’ll include instructions for both, you only need to follow one.

    With a Virtual Environment

    The first thing we’ll want to do is create a virtual environment. This will let us install modules that don’t mess with the rest of the system.

    All of these commands should be run in the root folder of the application (the folder that src is inside of). Run the following command to create a folder (.venv) the virtual environment will be stored in.

    python -m venv .venv

    Next, we’ll want to activate the virtual environment. This needs to be done every time you run the application. If you’re using the bash shell the following command will active the virtual environment. (The bash shell is the default in Ubuntu. If you haven’t changed it this what you want)

    source .venv/bin/activate

    Now that we’ve created and activated a virtual environment, we can install the missing package.

    The repository you linked has a requirements.txt file we can use to install all the required modules without typing them out by hand. This can be done using pip and the ”-r” flag.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    Now that everything is installed, you should be able to run the application as normal with:

    sudo python -m src

    If you close your terminal window, you’ll have to reactivate the virtual environment the next time you want to run the script/program. You can also write a bash script to do this for you.

    Without a Virtual Environment

    If you don’t want to setup a virtual environment, you can install the modules user wide. This will make it so the installed packages are available every time you run python. You can do this with pip as follows. Make sure to run this command in the root folder of the application (the folder src is in)

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    You should then be able to run the script/program as you did before with

    sudo python -m src

  • Please avoid Manjaro. I’ve had my Manjaro install break more than any other distro. If you want something arch based, you’re better off installing Arch from scratch, using the arch install script, or using EndeavorOS. All three of these options use the normal arch repositories which are far more stable than the Manjaro ones, and also offer much better compatibility with the AUR

  • As someone who has used both as my primary operating system the main reason I ended up on Arch is the Arch User Repository (AUR).

    The AUR allows you to run installation scripts for apps that aren’t supported by the official repositories and pretty much everything you could ever want is there.

    The other big thing I liked is the Arch Wiki documents everything really well, and I preferred the kinds of answers I found there and on the Arch forums to the Ubuntu/Mint forums.

    At the time, operating system overhead was extremely important to me and a window manager like i3 or awesome was less resource intensive than Mint’s Cinnamon Desktop Environment (DE).

    All of that being said though, because Arch doesn’t ship with a DE getting started will require a configuring a lot of things using old school text based configuration files. The Mint installed on the other hand leaves you with a very capable and functional system as soon as you finish installing it.

    If you want something that works right out of the box, I would recommend Mint. If you want a project give Arch a shot!