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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023

  • I wouldn’t view India as a world leader in any field but may be ignorant of some specialities? I know there is innovation but nothing major springs to mind. I’m being lazy though - that can likely be looked up and verified with stats.

    Technology wise, it appears to depend on western countries outsourcing work, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but isn’t a good thing either since the draw to using India isn’t skill but cost. If the cost goes up, the west will stop outsourcing there and go to some other low cost base. (I’m not saying Indians aren’t skilled, just that’s not the primary reason why outsourcing there is happening, it’s all about exploitation from the west in search of more profit).

    Politically it seems to have been a dumpster fire for some time and looks like it’s trending towards more national extremism. Though that doesn’t seem to be unique at all - feels like the world is shifting to more fascist tendencies.

    The caste system is especially cruel and I regularly read stories that it’s going strong with no signs of stopping. I find that morally repugnant.

    The amount of scams against innocent people that originate from India is shocking, and it really appears as though corruption is so high that it’s not going to get better any time soon.

    Professionally, I deal with Indians semi regularly and it’s overall positive. Personally, I’ve come across a few assholes but the majority have been decent people and none of the issues above ever come up.

  • Politics is part of everyday life regardless of whether you care or not and I’m not talking about the media circus that is the US election machine but rather about the cost of products and services, prevention of crime and what is determined as a crime, the rules of how to conduct business, provision of services like roads, water, sewage by government/authorities and the rates of taxes that fund those services to make but a few. If you don’t care about politics them I would imagine you have no opinions on anything of that nature and would never complain of your cost of living increased or you couldn’t access medical treatment or call a fire station in a time of need or about who had the right to vote?

    Making voting mandatory in Australia also protects people who want to vote from being exploited by their employers. Imagine the scenario where there is a referendum on a matter that would be very beneficial to businesses but exploits employees. A corrupt business may decide to schedule their employees to work a 12 hour shift that would prevent them from being able to vote if the business knew it’s employees would vote against the legislation when they want it to pass.

    You don’t actually have to cast your vote in Australia, just show up but even if it was mandatory to cast it, they can always be spoiled. You could even write “I have no opinion on politics and don’t want to vote for anyone”.

  • SSO allows users to use a single set of credentials to access multiple systems within a single organization (a single domain)

    Instead having a seperate login for a website or an app you (or whoever) set up an SSO connection between the service provider’s SSO platform and your SSO platform aka IdP. When trying to log into that website or app it redirects you to authenticate with your SSO platform. This way you sign in with your IdP (e.g. Azure, Ping, Okta, etc) credentials instead of having a seperate set of credentials for each site. If you’ve already logged into your IdP recently the site your logging into can detect that and you won’t need to enter your password.

    I believe the above example would be federated SSO because it’s between your organisation and one or more other organisations or vendors.

    Email is the most common but it can be lots of things (depending on what SSO platforms being used and how they are configured).