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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Any of this isn’t a “programmers” problem - this is just a “people” problem. Programmers are just forced slaves to the system because, like everybody else, they need to eat as well.

    You’re not going to fix shit like that by convincing some portion of the work force that they “need to stick to morals” - if there’s money involved, someone will take the pay check.

    The only way this changes is if society as a whole decides this isn’t okay and forces regulations or other legal enforcement to prevent shit like this. You need all of society to shift and force a change - pulling workers out of their offices will just result in new workers filling their seats.

  • If the MBAs could clearly and unambiguously articulate exactly what needs to be implemented

    LOL if only… If this happened, we’d need half as many engineers, even without AI. It feels like a third of my work hours are dedicated to figuring out what the fuck they actually want, and half of them are dedicated to building the wrong thing because they change their mind or didn’t say something.

    Shit makes me feel like I should go into management but you could not pay me enough to sit around and talk to these people for 8 hours a day.

    Sure, AI would solve some problems if people could actually ask the right questions. But engineers are already being paid to be those translators on their own since companies cannot find any other way to solve this problem.

  • Yeah, okay, so this was all just a “Omg just use Linux” type post.

    Not everyone can conveniently just ditch a major OS for something with less support. Like I said before, there is a reason everyone isn’t just jumping ship for Linux. People have plenty of legitimate reasons for it from work, to time commitment, to driver support, required software that doesn’t support it, etc.

    Good for you that you can switch and deal. Not everyone can. I’m not sure why so many Linux proponents are entirely fucking blind literally every possible reason that might keep someone off Linux and have to come fucking flying in on crusades on some fucking high horse of “Oooh, what peasants, of course everyone should just be switching to Linux!”

    Fuck off with your condescending bullshit.

  • For the same reason I’m not still running 7…because you can’t actually stay on one version forever. I’m going to put the whole Linux thing aside because… Yeah, that’s a topic of its own and I think anyone with half a mind knows the reasons why Linux isn’t everyone’s first choice.

    But at some point Win 10 will reach EOL and will stop receiving updates. It’ll stop receiving new versions of DirectX etc. People will stop making drivers for it. Software will start requiring things in newer versions of Windows, etc. The list goes on, but inevitably you have to update.

    Luckily with Windows, you can usually skip one full release, but you can’t really make it past 2. Hence why I said 12. Am I crazy about the way 12 is shaping out? No. But you’d be crazy to think that you can just remain on 10 forever so I’m being realistic.

    Also, Windows is well known to have a shitty even/odd cycle where every other release sucks and the alternating ones are less bad. So hopefully 12 will be the same. For example, 95 was really good, 98 was meh, XP was fantastic, ME/2000 are kind of a joke, Vista sucked, 7 was good enough, 8 was miserable, 10 was okay, 11 is awful… So if the pattern continues, 12 should be better than 11 at least.

    I didn’t think this actually needed an answer but… Maybe I’m getting old and am too used to Microsofts cycles. Also, my point was “this isn’t a problem till 12” meaning, I’m not touching 11 so it doesn’t even matter till I start considering 12. Never said I was definitively doing it.

  • Yeah, “becoming” is a strange choice of wording… Word has been bloated and overkill for 2 decades at this point.

    Libre Office is still bulky for anything I want on my PC. If I’m going to do any serious writing, I’m using Google Docs for backups and such. If I’m doing quick txt edits I’m using Sublime or Notepad. I use wordpad for stuff in the middle so I will definitely miss it and not sure how to solve this problem.

    That said, I’m not fucking installing Win 11 so guess this isn’t a problem till 12.

  • Okay but are you just using toilet paper to dry afterwards?

    Some have built in dyers. Even with it, sometimes it feels a small dab helps some more, but it’s not really necessary. Also, that water should be clean at that point… Do you perfectly dry your ass with a towel after showering? Etc

    And does just water actually get it all?

    Usually. You can also run them more than once. Some have “pressure” settings. Some move back and forth. And you can always check with paper, and see if you need to change something or run another cycle.

    You’ve still got to get in there a bit right?

    I’ve never had to. Occasionally run a second cycle, but no.

  • Google Assistant is definitely getting worse and worse all the time. When the Google Homes first released they were actually pretty useful and handy. I was willing to pick a few up and they served a good purpose. They ran CIRCLES around Alexa and all those.

    Now many years later, the devices don’t hear questions correctly, have to ask them four different times, they can’t even pick up my wife’s prompt words anymore, don’t even give reasonable answers when they do get the question right… It’s made hundreds of dollars worth of devices infuriating and useless.

    I bought a product that worked. It no longer works because it’s been “updated”.

  • Would Androids be “useless” without google apps?

    Fire tablets already proved this. They don’t use Google apps, they have their own app store and their own push. And they sold tons of them. All of this can be done and Android isn’t “useless” without it. It’s just harder.

    I love Android, but I am unsure how beneficial these big tech giants are becoming.

    The problem becomes that you kind of don’t have a choice. Sure someone else can stand up their own OS/push/store, but unfortunately their monopoly of sorts ends up useful in these cases because it means literally everyone develops against it. You can get your own store working, but it’s only as popular as the number of developers who choose to support it. If you fragment the stores, you make them less useful, so by nature they kinda need to be a monopoly.

    I just wish it ended up differently such that the behemoth store was owned by someone different than the manufacturer themselves.

  • just keep shipping manually faster CPUs once a year, just like they have been for the past 15.

    Yeah, exactly. My disagreement is… So fucking what?

    I’m much happier with a company that is satisfied with its market, does what it does well, and leaves it at that. I’m not a believer of “more money for the money gods, ever increasing profits, let’s fuck over some more consumers and further line the shareholders pockets”.

    By moving into other markets, they’d be competing with people who know those spaces well and probably better than they do. If they push someone else out, that’s more specialties lost.

    I’m generally against this monopolistic machine mindset everyone has these days. I’m much happier with a content company continuing to do what it does, instead of taking up market space trying to do something else that someone else does.

    Not that Intel is a perfect example here, but I’m much happier that their GPUs have generally flopped, they haven’t made it in mobile, and they aren’t trying to be another ARM manufacturer. That’s not their thing. So I can continue to go to them for a reliable desktop CPU and they can continue being a force in that market instead of trying to wear 17 different hats and losing their way.