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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • Hungary is aligned with Putin against the EU.

    IF the EU won’t admit that, won’t deal-with that, THEN the EU will be more-completely-butchered when Trump guts NATO & backs his buddy Putin.

    Natural Selection™ in action, people: they need to face actuality & grow the fuck up:

    kick Hungary out.


    They’re actively treachery against the EU, DEAL WITH IT!!

    ( morons “willingly going to the seconary-crime-scene in the hopes of using social-process to make things go better, there”…


    That has been explained by good-cops for many many many years.

    Nobody learns.

    Natural Selection is going to be unnecessarily pruning extra European lives, as a result of the EU’s retardedness, in the coming decade. )

  • Your question is actually a subset of:

    “Can short-term-gain actually fatally undermine long-term-viability?”

    I don’t consider the question incorrect, at all.

    Peter F. Drucker, in one of his books, has it that the “Health Care Industry” hired him,

    and one of the 1st things he did, was…

    told them, bluntly to their face, directly, approximately that

    ( this gets the gist of it, but this is from-memory, not exact/verbatim )

    “You aren’t the Health Care Industry, you are the Illness Care Industry, and you aren’t fooling anybody, AND you aren’t improving your credibility by speaking falsely”

    Does taking all kinds of chemicals, so that one can be a “better bodybuilder”, and then ending up in a population who dies significantly younger than average, due to heart-failures, be considered “good”??

    Obviously, to the corporate-“persons” who make money having as much of the population addicted to that distortion as possible, YES!! PROFITS!!

    Unfortunately, it isn’t possible, in any political system, to get decisions made by correctness, accuracy, reason, objectivity, maximum-benefit-for-greatest-number-of-dimensions-of-the-population, etc…

    The lobbies won’t allow that.

    Remember Covid?

    Remember the people who were insisting that immunization was a scam, & that people should be relying on their body’s innate robust immune-system?

    These were people who consider yogic-living to be corruption, and heavy-meat-eating to be “good”, nitrates in meats, & all.

    The lobbies have overrun all discussion, not allowing objectivity to own any territory.

    I think you are right, but the right-answer to it includes simultaneously improving the health of individuals, of entire-populations, AND getting people out immersed in nature more, so as to have built-up more-powerful immune-systems, in the 1st place!

    Selectively extinguish some infectious-diseases ( I’d target rabies, ebola, HPV because it causes cervical cancer, & a few others, for extinguishment ), while dealing-with as many as we viably can,

    in the hopes that “surprises” will not be able to trash/wreck our innate immune-systems, see?

    _ /\ _

  • When a handful of monopolies decide that no factchecking will be seen by anybody, anymore,

    and only profitable-to-their-dictatorship disinformation will be seen,

    then humanity will not have any means of countering that:

    it will be too late.

    We are “the frog dropped into the slowly-heating pot of water”.

    People pretend that monopoly is “maybe” harmful, economically, but it is an existential-threat to countries, and with globalization, now to civil-rights as a valid-category.

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  • Mom told me that women who reach menopause are suddenly much more likely to initiate divorce, leaving toxic/abusive relationships

    Psychologist Susan Pinker, in her book “The Sexual Paradox”, that such women leave careers they’d been pressured-into, by the men in their lives ( ditching academic careers, because the endless-churn-for-“authority-status” isn’t what they value )…

    I’ve read the words of a woman who was disappointed to have not got into any of the mixed universities ( UK ), she got into a female-only university, and by the end of week-1, she was euphoric: the absence of sexual-pressure on her all the time, she could learn here!!..

    I’ve read the words of a woman who went to a girls-only grade-school, & she learned, in high-school, that the girls who came from mixed grade-schools had been conditioned into learned-helplessness, and would not even try participating in class, by the boys they’d shared classes with.

    I read an amazing item in a Reader’s Digest, possibly in a waiting-room, somewhere, on a school-principal who got all the kids and their parents into a gymnasium…

    The kids were girls-on-1-side, boys-on-the-other-side, parents in the bleachers/stands…

    He asked the kids “who here would rather learn in a boisterous classroom?” The boys, & the dykes, hands shot up…

    “Who here would rather learn in a quiet library?” the girls, & a few of the boys ( femboys, prolly ), hands went up.

    THEN the parents, who saw, understood, accepting the evidence, instead of the “we’re all the same” ideology, that violated that evidence.

    Women are more “yin” than men.

    The more “yin” a someone is, the more gentle their forming-context/education has to be, in order that their intrinsic nature be allowed to blossom ( as an extreme-contrast, if you’ve ever encountered an ultra-bullying super-testosterone guy, you maybe can understand that he’d probably be more “educated”, if the education were *at his level of pushing, like boot-camp, or something ).

    the “yin” or non-pushiness of the someone needs to be matched by the learning-means, the “yang” or pushiness of the someone needs to be matched by their learning-means.

    I wish women weren’t abused by the entire-education-system, but were, instead, boosted into becoming their own LivingPotential.

    That isn’t an answer to your question, but it does reframe something important…

    Women’s courage is like the courage of Florence Nightinggale, who kept digging, until she understood, scientifically, why “her boys” were dying in the forward hospitals, & she pushed graphical representation of her statistics, in order to convince Queen Victoria.

    Yin courage.

    Yin courage is more … “watery”, more “keep gently working, we’ll find a way”, as opposed to the more-linear/firey male style of courage.

    Like a river, trying to find a way through a blockage put against it…

    Gently-persistent, enduring, winning through working with Nature, instead of just arbitrarily overriding it.

    The woman who did the classification-system for stars, at some observitory, was demonstrating a kind of courage, given that women had no “validity” in the hearts or minds of men, of the profession, of those days…

    The “Famous Five”, who broke the “women legally are not ‘persons’ in the Commonwealth, by law” bullshit also.

    ( Nellie McLung, iirc, was one of 'em, & a wonderful sentiment of hers goes something like…

    "don’t let them decide what’s allowed, or valid,

    but instead, just make things right, & let them howl,"

    Now there’s a woman. : )

    So, as anyone who has seen all the body-language books which identify how utterly-incompetent normal guys are at reading it, women are more-likely to work with & through people.

  • EasyDNS.ca or if they also do EasyDNS.com

    GoDaddy was a bunch of sleazebags, back in the day…

    Go search http://slashdot.org/ for them, and see…

    not only hosting lots of sleazebags, but also having tons of compromised mail machines, so their machines were, according to what I’d read there, the source of much of the world’s spam, and they wouldn’t fix things.

    EasyDNS was recommended by one of the SysAdmin reporters on The Register, a few years ago.

    He also recommended Linode & Vultr, back then, too.

    This stuff in this comment is just my opinion, and my memory of what trustworthy people were reporting a few years ago.

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  • I take it that the UAE has decided that having everybody else in the region turn against them is “strategic”?

    One of the standard principles in war, is that what other-players do changes the landscape sooo profoundly, that one must re-assess strategy, with every event that is regionally-significant.

    You don’t stick to a plan just because it’s established ( see the fallacy of “sunk costs” for the business-equivalent to this principle ).

    Israel’s nihilism/sadism enforcement isn’t going to change in nature through being accommodated…

    No matter: Israel’s going to enforce such intense regional hatred that their military will turn from Deterrent to “deterrent”, and then Israel’s getting annihilated, and that within 1 decade of the beginning of their retaliation against Palestinians for Hamas’s strike.

    No point in reasoning with people who won’t see the evidence’s speech, itself, I guess.

    Now, however, it looks like UAE’s editing-itself-out from the region’s future??


    Or daft…


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  • In the book “The Second Brain”: the nervous-system of the gut,

    it was identified that nicotene & glutamine-supplementation both destroyed the nervous-system of the gut.

    ( natural diet never includes pure powder of a single amino-acid, hence the glutamine-induced problem )

    What was that book’s author…

    Here it is:


    Much different-looking than the one I had, back in the day.

    Dr. Gershon.

    Anyways, he was wrong about the nervous-system of the gut being the 2nd brain:

    Gut/worm brain it is the 1st.

    Brainstem/reptilian brain being the 2nd,

    Limbic-system/herd-beast brain being the 3rd,

    Cortex/human brain being the 4th.

    ( the ushniisha, aka the CrownProtrusion of realizers & Buddhas, is the 5th, but Western medicine contempts/disallows it.

    When I asked a Western doctor about mine, growing-in, they felt it with their hand, & then told me they wouldn’t waste any money doing tests, because “That Can’t Happen!”, right in my face.

    “evidence-based” my arse, when you contempt evidence you just physcially-encountered.

    Here you can see a dumbed-down symbolic representation of the CrownProtrusion/ushniisha on Buddha statues, the lump on his head.


    it isn’t quite that symmetrical, however:

    from the side, it may well look like that, but from the front, it is much narrower, so it grows-in more like a ridge/crest, expanding one’s cranium upwards )

    Anyways, we’ve 4 brains, by default, & the 5th is produced through gene-activation, through the inner-light meditation, if you want yours growing-in. ( theta-brainwave, in the edge of sleep, dwelling-in & becoming the subtle boundless-luminance of the inner-light.

    Keep doing it for 7+ years, every night, and you should feel the ushniisha beginning growing )

    Anyways, please keep off nicotene & glutamine-supplementation, both, for your gut’s health!

    _ /\ _

  • CD-R is written in an organic-dye, which deteriorates ( I’ve read the AZO chemistry is more enduring )

    CD-RW is written in the crystallization of a metal layer.

    CD-RW is permanent record, unless you heat them, or blank them, or overwrite/rewrite them: chemical-deterioration isn’t a problem.

    I learned this with backups, many many years ago.

    I’ve no idea if DVD-RW discs also are recorded in a eutectic metal layer, but they’ve multiple record-layers ( 2? ), and I’m don’t know how you can make a eutectic-metal layer that is transparent-enough to get through/past it to write the next layer,

    so I’ve no idea how permanent DVD-RW’s are.

    I’ve lost data on the -R technology.

    I’ve never lost data on the CD-RW technology.

  • This place uses a heat-pump for cooling, in the summer, but it uses a furnace for heating.

    It used to reach -20C or colder, here, in the winter…

    it’s rained damn-near every week, this winter…

    since there is sooo much lag, between the climate-forcing adulteration of our atmosphere,

    and the actual climate’s temperature,

    it looks like we’re going to be … needing to find some other planet to be inhabiting, in a century…?

    Based on actual history, this planet’s current equilibrium-temperature is +5C…+6C, not anywhere near the +1.5C delusion people are still believing-in.

    but when one factors-in methane ( & only that one ), that we add, it works-out to +8C…+9C planetary equilibrium… ( using methane’s 20-y equivalent, of 82.5x factor, given the current 1.3ppm to 1.4ppm that we have unnaturally added of methane )

    anyways, here’s the link stating that at this atmospheric CO2 the planetary-equilibrium-temperature is between +5C & +6C, in case anyone is interested:

    Evolution of global temperature over the past two million years https://www.nature.com/articles/nature19798

  • It reflects on the increasing-polarization of ALL HUMANKIND.

    Read Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow”, & recognize that Kahneman System-2, considered-reasoning, is being blotted-out by Kahneman System-1, animal reaction, and that this is exactly how #ClimatePunctuation, which is still accelerating, combines with regional-crop-failures, megadroughts, megaflooding, region-scouring wildfire, political-tantrum, religious-tantrum, corruption, etc, to blot out survival-viability, when a world-species crosses the threshold of the multiple-industrial-revolutions.

    This is The Great Filter, setting-up.

    Rampagins reaction, enforcing its lashing-out with all weapons available, is exactly what is becoming normaller & normaller, in all regions, in all political-stripes, in all religions.

    There will be no considered-reasoning ruling this world before the end of this century, unless a significant portion of this planet’s population grow TF up, with all we got, quick.

    Moneyarchy is pushing to eradictate Kahneman System-2, because considered-reasoning competes against moneyarchy’s preference for humankind to be managed steers, being consumed by the money-machine, without interference.

    Legalism’s been pushing against considered-reasoning since before the Christian New Testament.


    See it for what it is: our unconsciousmind is trying to beat, and BREAK considered-reasoning from interfering with it, and “politics” is just makup hiding the underlying-appearance.

    So is “religion”.

    So is “culture”.

    Notice that Kahneman tells us, outright, System-1 operates in the addiction/prejudice mode of WYSIATI, or What You See Is All There Is.

    NO considering context is TOLERATED by System-1.

    And that is how The Great Filter silences worlds which reach the cascades-of-technology-development that we’re in.

    Ignorance uses the weapons to beat/break whole-world-life, in order to PROVE that unconscious-ignorance was the exclusive “lord”, and it NEVER had to learn,

    and the people weren’t up to breaking that unconscious-ignorance.

    Same as an addict/junkie whose unconsciousmind, their System-1, would rather break their entire life, than tolerate growing-up/breaking-addiction… and they die.

    Worlds do it.

    We’re in the century that will see … nearly-nobody survive, if any do.

    IF you see it in Hindus, THEN I guarantee you it can also be seen in every other religous-group in this planet, this century, this decade.

    There is nothing unique about it happening “here” or “there”.

    Unconscious-ignorance-addiction, and its prejudice against considered-reasoning/System-1, is taking-over.

    And our world is going along with it.

    And that is species-fatal.

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  • As AwakeSoul/Buddha tried explaining…

    and as Hindu Ramana Maharshi also tried explaining…

    WHEN one reaches such fundamental-awareness that there is NO self in it…

    it is AWARENESS,

    THEN, one only has to dissolve into that OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/OceanOfAWARENESS/OceanOfBuddhas/God.

    No self, indestructible bliss, Eternal awareness, watching all unfolding endless-stream-of-Universes, as magical display…

    No, not every Souls/CellsOfGod/Continuums get to experience amazingness incarnate.

    Elisabeth Haich commented on that, in her book “Initiation”.

    Some Souls/Continuums, or their natures/characters, chose aversion-therapy reincarnation-cycle, for whatever reason.

    It’s a Bell curve, probably:

    the normal is to have an average “pinnacle”, and an average “bottom-of-the-barrel”, and an average set-of-between-range incarnations/someones/lives.

    Only the more-extreme would inhabit the more-extreme ends of the bell curve.

    Same as all Nature…

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  • Censorship is intrinsic to natural-life.

    Your body disallows pathogens from ripping your life to shreds, for their temporary-meal, right?

    That immune-system action … IS CENSORSHIP.

    Anybody who is a “free speech absolutist” ought be forced to have AIDS & denied medication, so that within their body “absolute free speech” expresses, for the few weeks they’d still be alive.

    Being FORCED into choosing a side with integrity, and holding to either

    • both within one’s body & within one’s country, sane & responsible censorship is required, and I have the right to NOT have pathogens highjacking my biology, within my body, the same as my country has the right to not have malicious-actors highjacking my country.


    • both within one’s body & within one’s country, NO censorship is permitted, and I have NO right to NOT have pathogens highjacking my biology, within my body, the same as my country has NO right to not have malicious-actors highjacking my country.



    Separate Issue

    what that link identifies, is NOT sane & responsible censorship, but rather is Thought Police phrasing…

    I don’t know to what degree she’s mis-representing their declaration, but that isn’t what sane & responsible suppression-of-pathogens looks like, in the national frame of reference.


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  • EXPECT legislative-shenanigans, people…

    EITHER they’ll extend copyright again,

    XOR they’ll just “conveniently” have copyright apply in court, even-though it doesn’t apply on-paper.

    Never believe a career-criminal, or Dark Triad entity, has changed, unless you see robust, consistent, years-long, actual, objective proof of that change having-happened.

    Extraordinary-claims require extraordinary backing/evidence.

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