Bit-breaker working in cybersecurity/IT. Only languages I know are English and Programming ones.

Sometimes I write things about technology.

If I told you the SHA256 for this sentence starts with 'c, 5, four, a, and a', would you believe me?

  • 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2022


  • I don’t want to create an echo chamber, but, seriously, we don’t to hear the goddamn Nazi point of view.

    I’ve been avoiding comment on most of this thread because I really don’t want to be seen as the instigator even more; however I wanted to comment on this specifically. Absolutely agreed with you on this point. I utterly hate the go with the flow, echo chamber style of discussions. I mean sure, if you’re talking about how to make chocolate chip cookies, there’s not really that many different ways to do it. Your recipe, will echo mine, for the same results. But in a lot of areas in life, there really are a lot of different takes. Your experiences and views and other nuances shape your ideas and expression on any given topic. They won’t be the same as mine. And if they are, and all we talk about is 100% stuff I agree with; well, I ain’t learning a damn thing am I? I’m just reinforcing my stance. Conclusion shopping. It is really important to have a different point of view that can be well explained and defended across the spectrum of what that may be.

    There is no defense for treating people (human beings) as lessor than you because you disagree with their existence. Be it Nazi’ Transpobia or otherwise. That’s not a difference of opinion. That’s a fundamental difference of what it means to be human. There is no echo chamber telling some wanna-be dictator POS’ Nazi sympathizing fuck, to fuck off.

    And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh *****, this is a Nazi bar now,” he continued. ”And it’s too late because they’re entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down. - Michael B. Tager

    If 10 people are sitting at a table and one of them is a Nazi, then you have 10 Nazis.

    Beehaw wants zero of those people, echo chamber be damned.

  • Your request goes against the unix philosophy. Grep does one thing and does it well. If you desire additional functionality, you should add another utility to accomplish what you want.

    rsync -naP --exclude-from=rsync-homedir-local.txt /home/$USER/ $BACKUPDIR/ | grep denied

    In your specific task, utilize bashims to do (what I think) you want:

    rsync -naP --exclude-from=rsync-homedir-local.txt /home/$USER/ $BACKUPDIR/ || echo "task failed"

  • The problem when you own a space that if you let certain groups of people in, such as, in this example, Nazis, you’ll literally drive everyone else away from your space, so that what started off as a normal, ordinary space will become, essentially, a Nazi bar.

    It’s not only Nazis — it can be fascists, white supremacists, meth-heads, PUAs, cryptocurrency fanboys — some groups will be so odious to others that they will drive everyone else from your space, so the only solution that you can enact is to ensure that they don’t come to your place, even if they’re nice and polite and “follow your rules”, because while they might, their friends won’t, those friends have a history of driving away other people from other spaces.

    "you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it’s always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don’t want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too.

    And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it’s too late because they’re entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down.

  • That’s AJAX

    Yes, and that’s what is shown in this article.

    … return HTML content and use the htmx library to handle the AJAX requests

    htmx is not meant to do anything fancy that you can’t do with Ember/Angular/React/Vue/etc.

    htmx is simpler though and has a few benefits as I see it, compared to those frameworks:

    • No duplication of data models and routing, and all business logic stays on the server-side where it belongs.

    • No build step, no dependency hell, and no outrageous churn; just include one JS file that browsers should be able to run indefinitely.

  • I echo the other commenters, a NUC is a great beginner system for homelab; if all you want or need is minimal resources. For learning enterprise management or workloads, I’d say you need a full fledged server. There is nothing in common with a NUC and a Poweredge, for example. What is your homelab for you? A few VMs and one disk system attached to a COTS NAS? NUC will be fine. Wanting to learn to manage a Server with full on RAID, hot swap drives and 64G ram? You’re gonna want a server.