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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • Dude… Just… Dude… I cannot fathom going through what you’ve written here. It’s like being in hell… I’m really glad to hear you’re doing better, and I’m REALLY glad you’ve found someone who loves you for who you are! And u don’t know why, but I’m actually thankful that you shared. Possibly because I’m struggling myself right now (with 1st world problems, which cannot be compared to what you’ve been through at all - I’m just winter depressed).

    I cannot confirm this, but I sincerely think your kid will appreciate the letter(s) - I know I would’ve.

    When I’m back at my computer tomorrow, I’ll write to you directly 😊

  • Oh, of course, no doubt! I’m a child if late middle 80’s, growing up in a western coast in Norway. There was always snow during winter. The last 15 years has shown MAYBE a day or two of snow, then warmer again.

    And then we had the sudden cold for a couple of weeks, which postponed the construction of a new parking lot with about two months due to the frost in the ground (there was something like a sudden 2-3 weeks of -10 Celsius).

    Then we have the summer of 18 in Europe. Even Norway was so dry everything turned yellow.

    It happens, but I do think that in some climates, like Norway, it’ll mostly get warmer with the freak occurrence of cold/heat (depending on the season). My previous comment is for the general term, not to be taken literally.

    And thank you! I’ve missed having a constructive discussions on the internet. Happy holidays!