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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023


  • making a small profit

    Right, this is what people always gloss over to just say that eventually the bet will be too big to sustain. Even if you win repeatedly, the bets you make after 3 or 4 losses are vast in comparison the amount you’ll ‘gain’ per win. For the doubling (Martingale strategy), if your bet starts at $1, and you win $2 off of that, it doesn’t matter how much you are eventually betting, you’ll only make $1 for the whole cycle.

    The tripling helps for the profit angle, somewhat. I ran the numbers for total amount of times betting before a win for net win. I wish the formatting let me make tables, but oh well.

    Total Times Bet(bet amount): total of bet: net winning:

    1 (1) … 1 … 1

    2 (3) … 4 … 2

    3 (9) … 13 … 5

    4 (27) … 40 … 16

    5 (81) … 121 … 41

    6 (243) … 364 … 122

    7 (729) … 1093 … 365

    8 (2187) …3280 … 1094

    9 (6561) … 9841 … 3281

    10 (19683) … 29524… 9842

  • I don’t necessarily disagree with the reasons behind your conclusion, but it costs more to execute a prisoner than to house them for life. The nature of the death penalty means that every appeal must be heard and fought through, which is one reason why it takes so long to kill them after conviction. All of those people involved in that process are thus being dragged away from other things they could be doing.

    About the only time an execution occurs quickly is if the individual decides not to appeal. Rare, understandably. The other option would be to ignore the appeals process, and frankly we have already executed too many innocents for any person, even those who believe in the death penalty, to believe that would be justice.

  • I can’t answer about why you wouldn’t normally bruise, but when people drink alcohol, the skin becomes flushed. This is because one of alcohol’s effects is to open the arterioles that feed capillary beds on/near the skin. It’s also why it’s not a good idea to drink alcohol to warm yourself; you’ll feel warmer because your skin is flushed (sort of the same reason why inflammation tends to feel hot, though there blood is ‘leaking’ from your vessels due to certain bioregulators), but you’ll be losing heat more quickly in contact with cold environments. Your typical bruise comes from the capillary beds being damaged, thus if you are drinking and have more blood in your capillary beds, you’ll be more likely to bruise.

    For why you don’t normally bruise? You might just have pretty efficient arterioles that close off the capillary beds. You might also have very osmotic interstitial fluid, which means your cells are at the same osmolarity, and would tend to ‘suck up’ the blood that would be otherwise ‘lost’ (as in, out of place in the area it’s in) and distribute its contents. We’d have to experiment a little and see what happens under different circumstances. Try to bruise you when you are already hot (which will cause your skin capillary beds to open, again flushing the skin), see if different fluids with dye in them injected in certain areas will ‘bruise’ you, etc.

  • Yes, there are some who say that. They get agreed with in person, ignored at the local party/voting level, scoffed at by media, screamed at in general on the internet, and scolded on places like lemmy or reddit (if not screamed at). There are policies that I like that for some reason have to be lumped in with policies I detest no matter which party I look at. One party (fucking GOP) is way worse than the other, but try to have a rational discussion with anonymous or outside-of-your-social-circle people, and any criticisms of a party are like blaspheming their god.

  • I can imagine sensation if I want, but as a ‘for instance,’ I know I don’t like some foods because of certain sensations, but don’t have to perceive them when I remember why. I can’t imagine that most people aren’t the same, or we’d have a lot more people gagging randomly as they walk around. Sure, some people will be slightly perturbed if you mention certain things, like fecal matter, horrible farts, the feeling of biting down on aluminum… but those perturbations pass in moments.

  • Having been involved in something that was actually bad, I can say with certainty that there are enough rules already (in most places) that apply to these sorts of situations. Harassment and stalking crimes cover the sorts of things that need to be handled by police. If someone teabags you in Halo, or curses at you or says disgusting things in a voice chat, you either block them or shake your head and move on. If they follow you around through multiple lobbies, send/spam pictures or post/spray real pictures of genitalia (in places where it is not supposed to be, such as your inbox/cellphone/vr lobbies, obviously not talking about nsfw sites), those things are already crimes covered by harassment/stalking/sexting crimes.

    There may be a few edge cases where someone can skirt the laws, but again, in my experience, the statutes are broad enough to catch almost everything you could imagine and want to be a crime.