
A frog who wants the objective truth about anything and everything.

Admin of



  • 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • This is a summary from


    • Patrick Breyer and Niklas Nienaß submitted questions to the European Commission on the topic of killing games (the latter in contact with Ross and two EU based lawyers).
    • EU won’t commit to answering whether games are goods or services.
    • EULA are probably unfair due to imbalance of rights and obligations between the parties.
    • Such terminations should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis (preferably by countries rather than EU).
    • Existing laws don’t seem to cover this issue.
    • Campaign in France seems to be gaining some traction. Case went to “the highest level where most commercial disputes submitted to DGCCRF never go”.
    • UK petition was suppose to get a revised response after the initial one was found lacking. Due to upcoming elections all petitions were closed and it might have to be resubmitted.
    • Also in UK, there’s a plan to report games killed in the last few years to the Competition and Markets Authority starting in August (CMA will get some additional power by then apparently).
    • No real news from Germany, Canada or Brazil.
    • Australian petition is over and waiting for a reply. Ross also hired a law firm to represent the issue.

    This is a simplified version of simplified version.

  • There is a dramatic difference between razors of different cutting efficiencies (basically, how much of the blade is exposed). Someone with light facial hair and sensitive skin would likely benefit from a milder razor to prevent needless skin irritation. There’s also designs that mimic the experience of a cartridge razor, such as the Hansen razor (makes it very hard to irritate or cut yourself even without learning safety razor techniques).

    Walden’s recommendation of a vintage Gillette Tech is a good one, but if you have your grandfather’s razor, that indeed would be the best place to start, as it’s likely just as good as anything you could buy now.

  • The OG comment is referencing the body of this post, which are stats from the website. The website is using outdated steam stats, the comment is pointing that out.

    The comment you replied to that was pointing that out was not corrolating the steam stats as general linux stats, only pointing out that the linux userbase on steam has grown since those outdated stats.

  • I don’t want to be too negative here, and to any mods that read this, if this is too negative, feel free to remove this post. But in the time that I’ve been a Kbin user, this is what I’ve personally witnessed.

    The Kbin developer has a tendency to disappear with no communication for months at a time, likely caused by taking on way more load than one person can handle without burning out (He is virtually the only developer of Kbin, is taking on developing the Kbin mobile app, is the only admin of the largest Kbin instance,, and the only moderator of multiple communities there, which have languished in his absence, as seen in the posts on m/Kbin and m/Kbin Meta).

    He appears to have an extreme lack of trust in others, wanting instead to take on all responsibility himself. This becomes an issue when he disappears, since he is the only one with merge privileges on the Kbin github, resulting in many PR’s for hotly requested features languishing until he suddenly reappears, having been silently working on some aspect of the backend without informing anyone else, making collaboration difficult.

    That difficulty appears to be why Kbin was forked into Mbin.

    As an example of the trust issues: Even though the Kbin community has repeatedly asked to be able to help him manage, either as an admin or putting in requests to moderate his communities filled to the brim with spam, nothing has changed, and it’s been business as usual.

    Before his most recent absence, he mentioned he was going in for a minor surgery that would leave him laid up for a couple days, then went radio silent for over a month, leading people to fear the worst. When he reappeared recently, his explanation for why he didn’t post a quick “Hey guys, I’m okay, but won’t be around for X time,” was that he didn’t want to “Cause chaos.” 🫤